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Issue 377 - "Three Keys to High Performance" (Jack Clark Part Eight)

Woodens Wisdom
Wooden's Wisdom - Volume 9 Issue 377
Craig Impelman Speaking |  Championship Coaches |  Champion's Leadership Library Login



In a podcast for the Orrick Law firm, Jack Clark, who has led the University of California's Rugby teams to 28 National Championships in 33 years, described three of the keys to a high performance team:
I don't think that the very best teams can have a blind spot, can have an area that's important that they don't have competence in. I don't believe that there's shortcuts. I believe you have to check all the boxes. If you just want to be in the upper half of the table; you want to maybe not be just mediocre. There probably are a few things. Just don't do this, and do that, and you know you're going to be okay. The requirements for being among the best teams are different.
Now, with that said, talent becomes important. There was a legendary football coach that died about 10 years ago named Bo Schembechler at Michigan. He had this quote that I think is great. It had to do with recruiting and who you want on your team. He said, "Well, if you ever really want a guy and you don't get him, that's OK. He'll only beat you once a year." I think that's kind of catchy. Then this old boy cleared his throat and said, "On the other hand, if you get the wrong guy on your team, he'll beat you every day." We want talent on the team, but one wrong guy? That can really hurt you.
There is a debilitating stress that we don't wish on anybody. That's a serious condition that we have to protect people from. But there's also a friendly stress, the stress of wow, I don't have all the answers. Wow, I'm running out of time. Wow, these other guys are pretty good. It helps us grow. It puts us under a pressure that once we repair ourselves, in the same way a muscle repairs itself. It grows. It gets stronger. And I think you becomes acclimated to it. You can make friends with stress. I think that there's a healthy amount of stress that helps us grow. If I don't have any stress I'm probably not trying very hard. I think we should have a big appetite for more, we should feel like that we're out over our skis, and we don't have all the answers all the time, and that we grow from that.
Does your team have a blind spot? Is there a bad apple? Has everybody made stress their friend?

Yours in Coaching,
Craig Impelman




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Let’s Go

There isn't any business,' wailed the sad and gloomy man;
'I haven't made a dollar since the armistice began.'
But I couldn't help reflecting, as I heard his story through,
That the hopeful, cheerful hustler seems to have a lot to do.
I've been in business places where the air was thick with gloom
And the men were sad and solemn like the mourners at a tomb,
And there wasn't any business or an order coming in,
And, what's more, there never will be till those fellows start to grin.
'There isn't any business'—aren't you weary of the cry?
Men have caught the gloomy habit, and they sit around and sigh;
But the hustler, I have noticed, who has quit his easy chair
And is confidently working, seems to gather in his share.
It is time to get the business, it is time to hustle out
With a man's faith in the future— much too long we've scattered doubt,
Much too long we've sobbed and whimpered, much too long we've talked of woe;
Now it's time for optimism and the hopeful phrase,
'Let's go!'

Edgar Allen Guest (1881-1959)






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