The Wooden's Wisdom Logo

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Coach Wooden iholding a basketball with his 'Pyramid of Success' printed on the ball.

Search all 600+ Wooden's Wisdom Issues:

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Issue Title View
1 Issue 1 - Never Lie, Never Cheat, Never Steal View
2 Issue 2 - Don't Whine, Don't Complain, Don't Make Excuses View
3 Issue 3 - Be True to Yourself View
4 Issue 4 - Help Others View
5 Issue 5 - Make Each Day Your Masterpiece View
6 Issue 6 - Drink Deeply From Good Books View
7 Issue 7 - Make friendship a fine art. View
8 Issue 8 - Give thanks for your blessings and pray for guidance each day View
9 Issue 9 - Pyramid Lesson One: A New Definition of Success View
10 Issue 10 - How Coach Delivered "Success Under Pressure" View
11 Issue 11 - Yesterday's Loss Can Produce Tomorrow's Success View
12 Issue 12 - The Pyramid of Success View
13 issue 13 - Hard Work View
14 Issue 14 - Careful Planning View
15 Issue 15 - Enthusiasm View
16 Issue 16 - Friendship View
17 Issue 17 - Cooperation View
18 Issue 18 - Loyalty View
19 Issue 19 - Self-Control View
20 Issue 20 - Alertness View
21 Issue 21 - Initiative View
22 Issue 22 - Intentness View
23 Issue 23 - Condition View
24 Issue 24 - Skill View
25 Issue 25 - Team Spirit View
26 Issue 26 - Poise View
27 Issue 27 - Confidence View
28 Issue 28 - Competitive Greatness View
29 Issue 29 - Faith View
30 Issue 30 - Patience View
31 Issue 31 - Ambition View
32 Issue 32 - Sincerity View
33 Issue 33 - Adaptability View
34 Issue 34 - Honesty View
35 Issue 35 - Resourcefulness View
36 Issue 36 - Reliability View
37 Issue 37 - Fight View
38 Issue 38 - Integrity View
39 Issue 39 - The Coach as a Teacher - Part 1 (Teach by example - You haven't taught until they have learned.) View
40 Issue 40 - The Coach as a Teacher - Part 2 (The coach - player (teacher - student) relationship) View
41 Issue 41 - The Coach as a Teacher - Part 3 (When success turns your head, you face failure.) View
42 Issue 42 - The Coach as a Teacher - Part 4 (How To Avoid Grievances) View
43 Issue 43 - The Coach as a Teacher - Part 5 (Just Three Rules) View
44 Issue 44 - The Coach as a Teacher - Part 6 (Rules vs. Suggestions: You cannot antagonize and influence at the same time.) View
45 Issue 45 - The Coach as a Leader - Part 1 (Art of Leadership) View
46 Issue 46 - The Coach as a Leader - Part 2 (Pyramid & Leadership) View
47 Issue 47 - The Coach as a Leader - Part 3 (Consistency) View
48 Issue 48 - The Coach as a Leader - Part 4 (Alertness + Self-Control = Leadership Listening) View
49 Issue 49 - The Coach as a Leader - Part 5 (Creating Initiative) View
50 issue 50 - The Coach As A Leader - Part 6 (Character Fuels Intentness) View
51 Issue 51 - The Coach As A Leader - Part 7 (The Leader Has a Humble Spirit) View
52 Issue 52 - The Coach as a Leader - Part 8 (Be A Mentor) View
53 Issue 53 - Bad times can make you bitter or better. View
54 Issue 54 - Never Make Excuses View
55 Issue 55 - Unselfishness View
56 Issue 56 - Don't Let Yesterday Take Up Too Much of Today View
57 issue 57 - Attitude. View
58 Issue 58 - What is Right is More Important Than Who is Right View
59 Issue 59 - A Mistake is Valuable if you Recognize it, Admit it, Learn From it and Forget it View
60 Issue 60 - If You Sacrifice Principle You End Up Pleasing No One View
61 Issue 61 - Trust View
62 Issue 62 - A Good Place to Find a Helping Hand is at the End of Your Arm View
63 Issue 63 - It is Amazing How Much Can be Accomplished if No One is Concerned Who Gets the Credit View
64 Issue 64 - The Best Way to Improve the Team is to Improve Yourself View
65 Issue 65 - Do Not Get So Concerned With Making a Living that You Forget to Make a Life View
66 Issue 66 - Never Try to be Better Than Someone Else; But Always be Learning From Others View
67 Issue 67 - A Person Can Make Mistakes, But They Are Not a Failure Until They Blame Others View
68 Issue 68- The People Who Don't Make Mistakes Are the People Who Don't Do Anything View
69 Issue 69 - Listen If You Want To Be Heard. View
70 Issue 70 - Be as Enthusiastic About the Success of Others as You Are About Your Own View
71 Issue 71 - Loyalty, Like Respect, Must Be Given Before You Get It View
72 Issue 72 - The Person Who is Afraid to Risk Failure Seldom Has to Face Success View
73 Issue 73 - When Everyone Thinks Alike, No One Thinks View
74 Issue 74 - The Coach as a Leader - Part 9 (The Leader has a sense of humor and a humble spirit and can laugh at her/himself.) View
75 Issue 75 - The Leader Makes the World a Better Place by Helping Others View
76 Issue 76 - Don't Mistake Activity for Achievement View
77 Issue 77 - You Discipline Those Under Your Supervision to Correct, to Help, to Improve - Not to Punish View
78 Issue 78 - You'll Never Know a Thing That You Didn't Learn From Someone Else View
79 Issue 79 - The Most Important Word in Our Language is Love and the Second Most Important is Balance - Love View
80 Issue 80 - The Most Important Word in Our Language is Love and the Second Most Important Word is Balance - Balance View
81 Issue 81 - If You Are Afraid of Criticism You Will Die Doing Nothing View
82 Issue 82 - Responding to Criticism and Praise View
83 Issue 83 - The Time to Make Friends Is Before You Need Them View
84 Issue 84 - Spend so Much Time Improving Yourself That You Won't Have Time to Criticize Others View
85 Issue 85 - Wisdom, Like the Wind, Blows on Unused, Except for Those Who Know the Art of Sailing View
86 Issue 86 - Hustle Makes up for Many a Mistake View
87 Issue 87 - Make Sure the Team Members Know They're Working With You, Not For You View
88 Issue 88 - The Only True Gift is a Portion of Thyself. View
89 Issue 89 - Respect Every Opponent, But Fear None View
90 Issue 90 - Talent Is God Given, Be Humble, Fame Is Man Given, Be Thankful, Conceit Is Self-Given, Be Careful View
91 Issue 91- The Main Ingredient of Stardom is the Rest of the Team View
92 Issue 92- That We Might Fail Ought Not Deter Us From the Support of a Cause We Believe to be Just View
93 Issue 93- The Worst Thing About New Books is They Keep Us From Reading the Old Ones View
94 Issue 94 - Treat All People With Dignity and Respect View
95 Issue 95 - You Handle Things, You Work With People View
96 Issue 96 - You Cannot be Judged by What Others Say About You, But You Can by What You Say About Others View
97 Issue 97 - Be More Concerned With Your Character Than With Your Reputation, As Your Character is What You Really Are While Your Reputation is Merely What Others Think You Are View
98 Issue 98 - Be Quick But Don't Hurry View
99 Issue 99 - If You Always Tell the Truth, You Will Not Have to Remember What You Said View
100 Issue 100 - Don't Permit Fear of Failure to Prevent Effort. We Are All Imperfect and Will Fail on Occasions, But Fear of Failure is the Greatest Failure of All View
101 Issue 101 - The Leader has faith in people. He believes in them, trusts them, and thus draws out the best in them.) View
102 Issue 102 - The Uphill Climb is Slow, But the Downhill Road is Fast View
103 Issue 103 - Great Minds Discuss Ideas, Average Minds Discuss Events, Shallow Minds Discuss People View
104 Issue 104 - The Worst Thing You Can Do for Those You Love is to Do the Things They Could and Should Do for Themselves View
105 Issue 105 - Discipline Yourself and Others Won't Need To View
106 Issue 106 - Failure to Prepare is Preparing to Fail View
107 Issue 107 - It is What You Learn After You Know it All That Counts View
108 Issue 108 - Be More Concerned With What You Can Do for Others Than What Others Can Do for You. You'll be Surprised at the Results View
109 Issue 109 - Be Most Interested in Finding the Best Way, Not in Having Your Own Way View
110 Issue 110 - If You Do Not Have the Time to do it Right, When Will You Have the Time to Do it Over? View
111 Issue 111 - Things Turn Out Best for Those Who Make the Best of the Way Things Turn Out View
112 Issue 112 - If I am Through Learning, I am Through View
113 Issue 113 - Be Slow to Criticize and Quick to Commend View
114 Issue 114 - Fairness is Giving All People the Treatment They Earn and Deserve. It Doesn't Mean Treating Everyone Alike View
115 Issue 115 - Learn to Disagree Without Being Disagreeable View
116 Issue 116 - Nothing Will Work Unless You Do View
117 Issue 117 - The Ability to See the Good in Others and the Bad in Ourselves is Perfect Vision View
118 Issue 118 - There is No Pillow as Soft as a Clear Conscience View
119 Issue 119 - All Change May Not be Progress, But All Progress is the Result of Change View
120 Issue 120 - Big Things Are Accomplished Only Through the Perfection of Minor Details View
121 Issue 121 - Forget the Favors You Have Given - Remember Those Received View
122 Issue 122 - Physical Strength is Measured by What One Can Carry - Spiritual Strength by What One Can Bear View
123 Issue 123 - Revenge is the Weak Pleasure of a Little and Narrow Mind View
124 Issue 124 - There is No Substitute for Hard Work and Careful Planning View
125 Issue 125 - You Cannot Live a Perfect Day Without Doing Something for Someone Without a Thought of Repayment View
126 Issue 126 - You Destroy an Enemy When You make a Friend of Him View
127 Issue 127 - You Must Listen to Others if You Want Others to Listen to You View
128 Issue 128 - Knowledge + Preparation + Attention to Detail = Skill View
129 Issue 129 - Adversity is the State in Which Man Easily Becomes Acquainted With Himself, Being Especially Free of Admirers Then View
130 Issue 130 - Try to Help Others Every Day and Don't Be Concerned About Who Helps You View
131 Issue 131 - Don't Count the Days, Make the Day Count View
132 Issue 132 - I Will Get Ready and Then, Perhaps, My Chance Will Come View
133 Issue 133 - Young People Need Good Models More Than They Need Critics View
134 Issue 134 - Pride is a Better Motivator Than Fear View
135 Issue 135 - Success is Never Final, Failure is Never Fatal, It's Courage That Counts View
136 Issue 136 - The Harder You Work the More Luck You Will Have View
137 Issue 137 - The Man Who is Not Afraid of Failure Seldom Has to Face It View
138 Issue 138 - The Smallest Good Deed is Better Than the Best Intention View
139 Issue 139 - Valid Self-Analysis Means Improvement View
140 Issue 140 - Discipline is Necessary for Good Leadership View
141 Issue 141 - It is One of the Most Beautiful Compensations of This Life That No Man Can Sincerely Help Another Without Helping Himself View
142 Issue 142 - Ability May Get You to the Top, But it Takes Character to Keep You There View
143 Issue 143 - Be More Concerned With Loving Than Being Loved, Giving Than Receiving, Being a Friend Than Having a Friend View
144 Issue 144 - Earn the Right to be Proud and Confident View
145 Issue 145 - I Am Not What I Want to be, Not What I Ought to be, and Not What I am Going to be, But Thankful I am not What I Used to be View
146 Issue 146 - If We Magnified Blessings As Much As We Magnify Disappointments, We Would All Be Much Happier View
147 Issue 147 - It is the Little Details That Make Things Work View
148 Issue 148 - The Happiest Moments in Life Come From Making Someone Else Happy View
149 Issue 149 - Learn as if You Were Going to Live Forever, Live as if You Were to Die Tomorrow View
150 Issue 150 - Character is Tested When a Person Receives Power View
151 Issue 151 - People Are Usually as Happy as They Make up Their Mind to be View
152 Issue 152 Nothing Can Give You Greater Joy Than Doing Something For Another View
153 Issue 153 - Build a shelter against a rainy day. View
154 Issue 154 - Satisfy Your Expectations, Not Those of Others View
155 Issue 155 - Appreciate the Things You Have View
156 Issue 156 - It Takes a Lot of Little Things to Make One Big Thing View
157 Issue 157 - The True Athlete Should Have Character, Not Be a Character View
158 Issue 158 - Those Who Have Never Suffered Adversity Never Experience the True Meaning of Success View
159 Issue 159 - Time Spent Getting Even Would be Better Spent Trying to Get Ahead View
160 Issue 160 - When Success Turns Your Head, You Face Failure View
161 Issue 161 - You Cannot Antagonize and Influence at the Same Time View
162 Issue 162 - You May be Deceived if you Trust Too Much, But You Will be in Torment if you Do Not Trust Enough View
163 Issue 163 - Consider the Rights of Others Before Your Own Feelings, and the Feelings of Others Before Your Own Rights View
164 Issue 164 - Goals Achieved With Little Effort Are Seldom Worthwhile or Lasting View
165 Issue 165 - God Grant Me the Courage to Change the Things I Can Change, the Serenity to Accept the Things I Cannot Change, and the Wisdom to Know the Difference View
166 Issue 166 - How Coach Wooden Achieved Serenity View
167 Issue 167 - Real Wealth Comes to Those Who Learn That They Are Paid Best for the Things They do for Nothing View
168 Issue 168 - The Future May be When You Wish You Had Done What You Are Not Doing Now View
169 Issue 169 - Additional Areas of Regret View
170 Issue 170 - Final List of Things We Wish We Had Done Better View
171 Issue 171 - The Greatest Conquest of Man is the Conquering of Himself View
172 Issue 172 - There Are no Hopeless Situations, There Are Only People Who Have Grown Hopeless About Them View
173 Issue 173 - We Can Do More Good by Being Good Than Any Other Way View
174 Issue 174 You Can Give Without Loving, But You Cannot Love Without Giving View
175 Issue 175 - You Have Success Within, It is Up to You to Bring it Out View
176 Issue 176 - You Meet the Same People on the Way UP as you Meet on the Way Down View
177 Issue 177 - A Philosopher is a Person Who Meets All Events, Whether Favorable or Unfavorable, With Calmness and Composure View
178 Issue 178 - Although it May Not be Possible to Determine What Happens to you, you Should Control How you React and Respond View
179 Issue 179 - A Person Who Trusts People Will Make Fewer Mistakes Than a Person Who Distrusts View
180 Issue 180 - A Good Memory is One That Can Remember the Day's Blessings and Forget the Day's Troubles View
181 Issue 181 - Dwelling in the Past Prevents Doing Something in the Present View
182 Issue 182 - A Person Who Has a Why to Live Can Bear Almost Any How View
183 Issue 183 - If You Are Going Nowhere, You'll Get There View
184 Issue 184 - It's Not What You Think You Are, But What You Think View
185 Issue 185 - Kindness in Words Creates Confidence, Kindness in Thinking Creates Profoundness, Kindness in Giving Creates Love View
186 Issue 186 - The Important Thing in Life is Not What Belongs to us, But What We Belong To View
187 Issue 187 - The More Concerned We Become Over the Things We Can't Control, the Less we Will Do With the Things we Can Control View
188 Issue 188 - A Great Deal of Talent May be Lost for the Want of a Little Courage View
189 Issue 189 - Do Not Let What You Cannot Do Interfere with What You Can Do View
190 Issue 190 - Hear no ill of a Friend, Nor Speak Any of an Enemy View
191 Issue 191 - Honors are Very Fleeting, Just as Fame is - Cherish Friendship More View
192 Issue 192 - If You Keep Too Busy Learning the Tricks of the Trade, You May Never Learn the Trade View
193 Issue 193 - If You Lose Self-Control, Everything Will Fail View
194 Issue 194 - Keep Courtesy and Consideration of Others Foremost in Your Mind, at Home and Away View
195 Issue 195 - More Often Than we E'er Suspect, the Lives of Others We Do Affect View
196 Issue 196 - Never Try for a Laugh at Another's Expense - Try to Laugh With Others and Never at Them View
197 Issue 197 - No Human Life is Ever Really Finished as Long as There is Someone to Remember it View
198 Issue 198 - The Person Who Usually Does What He Pleases is Seldom Pleased With What he Does View
199 Issue 199 - There is a Wonderful, almost Mystical, Law of Nature That Says Three of the Things we Want Most - Happiness, Freedom and Peace of Mind - Are Always Attained When We Give Them to Others View
200 Issue 200 - The Best Thing a Father Can Do for his Children is to Love Their Mother View
201 Issue 201 - You Are Honored for Giving, Not for Receiving View
202 Issue 202 - Content Makes Poor Men Rich, Discontent Makes Rich Men Poor View
203 Issue 203 - Gratitude is a Duty Which Ought to be Paid, But Which None Have a Right to Expect View
204 Issue 204 - He Who is Really Kind Can Never be Unhappy, He Who is Really Wise can Never be Confused, He Who is Really Brave is Never Afraid View
205 Issue 205 - An Example of a Great Role Model for Young People View
206 Issue 206 - Keep a Cheerful, Optimistic Disposition - Think Positively Rather Than Negatively - Sincere Optimism Builds Confidence and Courage View
207 Issue 207 - Let us Overcome the Angry Man with Gentleness, the Evil Man with Goodness, the Miser with Generosity, the Liar with Truth View
208 Issue 208 - A Setback is a Setup for a Comeback View
209 Issue 209 - Being Critical While Being Productive View
210 Issue 210 - The Rewards of Leadership View
211 Issue 211 - Consistency Creates Excellence View
212 Issue 212 - Do What's Right, Because it's the Right Thing to Do View
213 Issue 213 - Proper Preparation requires Attention to Detail View
214 Issue 214 - Arrive Early View
215 Issue 215 - How Coach Wooden Handled His Coaching Mistakes View
216 Issue 216 - Do Not Neglect the Less Gifted for the More Gifted View
217 Issue 217 - Don't Let Winning Change You View
218 Issue 218 - Establishing Roles and Making Sure Each Person Knows Theirs is Important View
219 Issue 219 - Everyone is a Teacher to Someone View
220 Issue 220 - Goal Setting View
221 Issue 221 - Motivating the Team View
222 Issue 222 - Recruiting the Wooden Way View
223 Issue 223 - Show Great Patience and Do Not Expect Too Much Too Soon View
224 Issue 224 - There is a Difference Between a Manager and a Leader - a Leader Inspires by Example View
225 Issue 225 - The Accidental Mentor View
226 Issue 226 - Disapproval Shouldn't Be Destructive View
227 Issue 227 - The Next Level of Success View
228 Issue 228 - Character and Values Create Team Culture View
229 Issue 229 - How do you lead? View
230 Issue 230 - Just Being Better Than the Rest Doesn't Make You a Success View
231 Issue 231 - Tone of Voice Regarding Discipline View
232 Issue 232 - Criticize in Private View
233 Issue 233 - Disciplining the Team View
234 Issue 234 - Don't Focus on the Opponent View
235 Issue 235 - Keeping Things In Perspective View
236 Issue 236 - Learn by Listening View
237 Issue 237 - Learning From Observation and Study View
238 Issue 238 - Pursuing Perfection View
239 Issue 239 - Instilling Confidence View
240 Issue 240 - The Leader can be Led View
241 Issue 241 - You Must Be Present to Coach View
242 Issue 242 - Earn the Respect of Everyone, Especially of Yourself View
243 Issue 243 - Have One Team Where Everyone Counts View
244 Issue 244 - The Best Competition Lies Within Self-Improvement View
245 Issue 245 - I do it Because He or She Does it is Not a Good Reason View
246 Issue 246 - Team Rules and Suggestions View
247 Issue 247 - Is Your Ambition Properly Focused? View
248 Issue 248 - How do You Choose Your Friends? View
249 Issue 249 - Be Careful, Athletics Can Tear Character Down View
250 Issue 250 - Don't Give the Team Too Much, But Teach Well View
251 Issue 251 - Establishing Clear Expectations View
252 Issue 252 - You Must Be a Team Player View
253 Issue 253 - Desired Behaviors View
254 Issue 254 - The Player Who Gives His Best is Sure of Success, While the Player Who Gives Less Than His Best is a Failure View
255 Issue 255 - Game Competition View
256 Issue 256 - Coach Wooden asks, I Wondered Why - View
257 Issue 257 - Questions to Ask Yourself View
258 Issue 258 - Decision Making - Lineup Changes View
259 Issue 259 - Look in the Mirror First View
260 Issue 260 - Mistakes occur when your thinking is tainted by excessive emotion View
261 Issue 261 - Player Selection View
262 Issue 262 - Send Them Home Happy View
263 Issue 263 - Some Thoughts to Consider View
264 Issue 264 - Ten Helpful Hints View
265 Issue 265 - Does Profanity Improve Communication? View
266 Issue 266 - What does moral condition have to do with physical condition? View
267 Issue 267 - The Value of Quiet View
268 Issue 268 - If you're a great teacher and don't have any knowledge, what are you going to teach? View
269 Issue 269 - A leader who lacks enthusiasm will prevent those under his or her supervision from reaching their collective potential. View
270 Issue 270 - Ability is a poor man's wealth View
271 Issue 271 - Be a great mentor: Advice and opinions View
272 Issue 272 - Be Clever Not Fancy View
273 Issue 273 - A Good System is based on Principle not Process View
274 Issue 274 - Culture Not Control View
275 Issue 275 - It takes trust, faith and patience to acquire peace of mind View
276 Issue 276 - Replace Criticism with Consideration View
277 Issue 277 - Your Best Effort requires Intensity with Emotional Balance View
278 Issue 278 - What's in your pocket? View
279 Issue 279 - The Strength of Gentleness View
280 Issue 280 - Attention to Detail without Micro Managing View
281 Issue 281 - How To Handle A Loss View
282 Issue 282 - Just being true to our self doesn't make us a person of integrity View
283 Issue 283 - Prejudice may be being down on what we are not up on View
284 Issue 284 - Keeping Friends View
285 Issue 285 - The Joy of Being Needed View
286 Issue 286 - Kindness is a language which the blind can see and the deaf can hear View
287 Issue 287 - Moral Compass View
288 Issue 288 - Noble Goals View
289 Issue 289 - Others too, have brains View
290 Issue 290 - Passion doesn't last as long as love. View
291 Issue 291 - Who is Blind? View
292 Issue 292 - Maximum Motivation View
293 Issue 293 - Eagerness and Willingness View
294 Issue 294 - Parenting and Leadership View
295 Issue 295 - The right definition of Success can make you fearless View
296 Issue 296 - The Wolf and The Pack View
297 Issue 297 - Time lost is time lost. It's gone forever. View
298 Issue 298 - What's the teams limit? View
299 Issue 299 - John Wooden and Bill Gates View
300 Issue 300 - Are you a loser if you quit? View
301 Issue 301 - Building or Losing A Team View
302 Issue 302 - Much of what we see depends on what we are seeking View
303 Issue 303 - Patience and the Right Kind of Discipline View
304 Issue 304 - How Not To Be Average View
305 Issue 305 - First Impressions View
306 Issue 306 - Are you more interested in being right or being effective? View
307 Issue 307 - Build bridges don’t burn them View
308 Issue 308 - Four Nevers View
309 Issue 309 - Accuracy not Exaggeration View
310 Issue 310 - Trust Is A Tricky Word View
311 Issue 311 - Show Me View
312 Issue 312 - There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us, there can hardly be room for any of us to talk about the rest of us View
313 Issue 313 - Belief and Purpose View
314 Issue 314 - Cooperation + Collaboration = Innovation (Red Auerbach) View
315 Issue 315 - More Than Just Winning (Morgan Wootten) View
316 Issue 316 - Clear Thinking (Phil Jackson) View
317 Issue 317 - Accountability and Assertiveness (Pat Summitt) View
318 Issue 318 - Keep Showing Up (Connie Mack) View
319 Issue 319 - Initiative + Intentness = Innovation (George Halas) View
320 Issue 320 - The Mentor's Mentor (Eddie Robinson) View
321 Issue 321 - Dan Gable:15 National Championships in 21 Seasons: A Setback is a Set Up for Advancement View
322 Issue 322 - Look Each Other In The Eye (Mike Krzyzewski) View
323 Issue 323 - It's Never Too Late (Casey Stengel) View
324 Issue 324 - Do it right - Every Time (Vince Lombardi) View
325 Issue 325 - Dependability Is More Important Than Ability (Bill Belichick) View
326 Issue 326 - Stand and Fight Again (Bill Walsh) View
327 Issue 327 - Character, Kindness and Thoughtfulness - (Bud Wilkinson) View
328 Issue 328 - Success Stopper: Complacency - (Pat Riley) View
329 Issue 329 - Lasting Leadership That Works - (Tom Landry) View
330 Issue 330 - Play Hard; Play Smart; Play Together - (Dean Smith) View
331 Issue 331 - Everbody Needs A Coach - (Joe Gibbs) View
332 Issue 332 - A Leader Doesn’t Have To Be Loud - (Chuck Noll) View
333 Issue 333 - It Doesn’t Cost A Nickel To Be Nice - (Sparky Anderson) View
334 Issue 334 - Take The Best And Leave The Rest - (Woody Hayes) View
335 Issue 335 - Always Be Consistent And Always Innovate - (Gregg Popovich) View
336 Issue 336 - Great Results Require Great Communication - (Tom Osborne Part One) View
337 Issue 337 - Consistent Results Require Consistent Communication - (Tom Osborne Part Two) View
338 Issue 338 - Communication Should Be Clear, Concise and Compelling - (Tom Osborne Part Three) View
339 Issue 339 - Don't Quit - (Bear Bryant) View
340 Issue 340 - Getting the Best Out of Everybody - (Walter Alston) View
341 Issue 341 - Personalize and Coach; Don’t Clone - (Tony La Russa) View
342 Issue 342 - Complainers to Co-Signers to Champions - (Tony La Russa - Part Two) View
343 Issue 343 - Preparing For Pressure - (Tony La Russa – Part Three) View
344 Issue 344 - Respect Trust Caring - (Tony La Russa – Part Four) View
345 Issue 345 - Manageable Bits - (Tony La Russa – Part Five) View
346 Issue 346 - Coaching Progress View
347 Issue 347 - The Coach a Student of Psychology (Ward "Piggy" Lambert - (John Wooden’s College Coach) – Part One) View
348 Issue 348 - Mental Conditioning - (Ward "Piggy" Lambert - Part Two) View
349 Issue 349 - Team Building - (Ward "Piggy" Lambert – Part Three) View
350 Issue 350 - Avoiding Staleness - (Ward "Piggy" Lambert – Part Four) View
351 Issue 351 - Initiative and Teamwork (Ward "Piggy" Lambert - Part Five) View
352 Issue 352 - Enthusiasm and Team Spirit (Ward "Piggy" Lambert - Part Six) View
353 Issue 353 - Building a Foundation (Geno Auriemma Part One) View
354 Issue 354 - Keep Showing Up (Geno Auriemma Part Two) View
355 Issue 355 - Challenge Don't Promise (Geno Auriemma Part Three) View
356 Issue 356 - Tell the Truth (Geno Auriemma Part Four) View
357 Issue 357 - Proper Focus (Geno Auriemma Part Five) View
358 Issue 358 - Working For A Tough Boss (Joe Torre Part One) View
359 Issue 359 - Deference and Dialogue (Joe Torre Part Two) View
360 Issue 360 - Great Self-Control / No Dirty Laundry (Joe Torre Part Three) View
361 Issue 361 - One On One Time (Joe Torre Part Four) View
362 Issue 362 - Control what you can control, let go of the rest. (Joe Torre Part Five) View
363 Issue 363 - Each at-bat is a new day. (Joe Torre Part Six) View
364 Issue 364 - Fairness, Respect and Trust (Joe Torre Part Seven) View
365 Issue 365 - A river without banks is a large puddle. (Don Shula: Winningest Coach in NFL History) View
366 Issue 366 - Overlearning = Autopilot = Peak Performance (Don Shula Part Two) View
367 Issue 367 - Audible - Ready: Have you practiced your backup plan? (Don Shula Part Three) View
368 Issue 368 - Constant Feedback Creates Constant Improvement (Don Shula Part Four) View
369 Issue 369 - Direct and Honest (Don Shula Part Five) View
370 Issue 370 - Expect Everyone to Lead (Jack Clark- 28 National Championships Cal Rugby) View
371 Issue 371 - Defining Mental Toughness (Jack Clark Part Two) View
372 Issue 372 - "Entitled to nothing, grateful for everything." (Jack Clark Part Three) View
373 Issue 373 - "Judge Progress on Performance not Results" (Jack Clark Part Four) View
374 Issue 374 - "Team First, Self Last" (Jack Clark Part Five) View
375 Issue 375 - "Improve Accountability with Collaboration" (Jack Clark Part Six) View
376 Issue 376 - "Game Plan" (Jack Clark Part Seven) View
377 Issue 377 - "Three Keys to High Performance" (Jack Clark Part Eight) View
378 Issue 378 - "Key Trait of A Great Coach" (Jack Clark Part Nine) View
379 Issue 379 - Inspire Initiative not Dependency (Pete Newell) View
380 Issue 380 - The Positive Approach (Pete Newell Part Two) View
381 Issue 381 - How to show you care (Pete Newell Part Three) View
382 Issue 382 - Key Habits of a Master Teacher (Pete Newell Part Four) View
383 Issue 383 - Intensity Under Control (Pete Newell Part Five) View
384 Issue 384 - Innovate and Adapt (Pete Newell Part Six) View
385 Issue 385 - Less is More (Pete Newell Part Seven) View
386 Issue 386 - Share Ideas don’t Keep Secrets (Pete Newell Part Eight) View
387 Issue 387 - To be a Success: "Include Others" (Pete Newell Part Nine) View
388 Issue 388 - "The Right People" (Pete Newell Part Ten) View
389 Issue 389 - Responsibilities not Privileges Build Teams (Denny Crum) View
390 Issue 390 - Consistent Game Plan for Adversity (Jay Wright) View
391 Issue 391 - The Final Test of Teaching is Application (Jay Wright Part Two) View
392 Issue 392 - Does Teaching Life Lessons Improve Job Performance? (Jay Wright Part Three) View
393 Issue 393 - Humility and Assertiveness are Great Teammates (Jay Wright Part 4)) View
394 Issue 394 - The Right Statistics (Jay Wright Part 5) View
395 Issue 395 - Clear Expectations (Jay Wright Part 6) View
396 Issue 396 - Failure Isn't Forever (Jay Wright Part 7) View
397 Issue 397 - Culture Is What You Do (Jay Wright Part 8) View
398 Issue 398 - Tradition: A Building Block of Team Culture (Jay Wright Part 9) View
399 Issue 399 - The Foundation (Roy Williams Part 1) View
400 Issue 400 - The Inspiration (Roy Williams Part 2) View
401 Issue 401 - The First Conversation (Roy Williams Part Three) View
402 Issue 402 - Determination: Don't Let Your Means Keep You From Your Dreams (Roy Williams Part Four) View
403 Issue 403 - Lasting Talent Requires Character (Roy Williams Part Five) View
404 Issue 404 - Caring is the Core of Teamwork (Roy Williams Part Six) View
405 Issue 405 - Nervous – Worry = Improved Performance (Roy Williams Part Seven) View
406 Issue 406 - You can't teach everything you know to everybody. (Roy Williams Part Eight) View
407 Issue 407 - Listen, don't just talk. (Roy Williams Part Nine) View
408 Issue 408 - Don't Let the Scoreboard Control You. (Roy Williams Part Ten) View
409 Issue 409 - Competition should Elevate not Deflate (Roy Williams Part 11) View
410 Issue 410 - The Pause Button (Valorie Kondos Field Part 1) View
411 Issue 411 - The Refresh Button (Valorie Kondos Field Part 2) View
412 Issue 412 - "I get to…" (Valorie Kondos Field Part 3) View
413 Issue 413 - "The Chemo Spa" (Valorie Kondos Field Part 4) View
414 Issue 414 - "Act As If" (Valorie Kondos Field Part 5) View
415 Issue 415 - "FOMO and FOPO" (Valorie Kondos Field Part 6) View
416 Issue 416 - "The Desert" (Valorie Kondos Field Part 7) View
417 Issue 417 - Expect Excellent Effort not Excellent Results (Valorie Kondos Field Part 8) View
418 Issue 418 - The Best Version of You (Valorie Kondos Field Part 9) View
419 Issue 419 - Coach the Person First (Valorie Kondos Field Part 10) View
420 Issue 420 - Sweep the Shed (Graham Henry Part 1) View
421 Issue 421 - Change Your Game at the Top of Your Game (Graham Henry Part 2) View
422 Issue 422 -The All Black Basic: "Whanau" (Graham Henry Part 3) View
423 Issue 423 - "Champions Do Extra" (Graham Henry Part 4) View
424 Issue 424 - "Happiness From Within" (Joshua Wooden) View
425 Issue 425 - "Championship Habits" (Suzanne Yoculan Part One) View
426 Issue 426 - "Championship Recruiting" (Suzanne Yoculan Part Two) View
427 Issue 427 - "Championship Losing" (Suzanne Yoculan Part Three) View
428 Issue 428 - "Championship Team Building" (Suzanne Yoculan Part Four) View
429 Issue 429 - "Championship Discipline" (Suzanne Yoculan Part Five) View
430 Issue 430 - "Championship Goal Setting" (Suzanne Yoculan Part Six) View
431 Issue 431 - "Championship Mentoring" (Suzanne Yoculan Part Seven) View
432 Issue 432 - "Improving Decision Making" (Anson Dorrance Part One) View
433 Issue 433 - "The Edge" (Anson Dorrance Part Two) View
434 Issue 434 - "Building Real Self-Esteem" (Anson Dorrance Part Three) View
435 Issue 435 - "Different People- Different Goals" (Anson Dorrance Part Four) View
436 Issue 436 - "Fierce and Friendly" (Anson Dorrance Part Five) View
437 Issue 437 - "Proper Perspective and Confidence" (Anson Dorrance Part Six) View
438 Issue 438 - "Preparing Players to Coach" (Anson Dorrance Part Seven) View
439 Issue 439 - "Real Coaching" (Anson Dorrance Part Eight) View
440 Issue 440 - "Coach like a Parent to build Culture" (Anson Dorrance Part Nine) View
441 Issue 441 - Motivation: "One Size Does Not Fit All" (Anson Dorrance Part Ten) View
442 Issue 442 - "Leadership Styles" (Anson Dorrance Part Eleven) View
443 Issue 443 - "Complete Communication" (Anson Dorrance Part Twelve) View
444 Issue 444 - "Who's in your audience?" (Anson Dorrance Part Thirteen) View
445 Issue 445 - "The Difference between Happiness and Fun" (Anson Dorrance Part Fourteen) View
446 Issue 446 - "Culture Necessities" (Anson Dorrance Part Fifteen) View
447 Issue 447 - "The Process" (Nick Saban Part One) View
448 Issue 448 - "A Different Approach" (Nick Saban Part Two) View
449 Issue 449 - "My Greatest Influence" (Nick Saban Part Three) View
450 Issue 450 - "What To Change; What Not To Change" (Nick Saban Part Four) View
451 Issue 451 - "The Right Example" (Nick Saban Part Five) View
452 Issue 452 - "Competitive Character" (Nick Saban Part Six) View
453 Issue 453 - "Invest your time, don't spend it." (Nick Saban Part Seven) View
454 Issue 454 - "A Great Role Model" (Tony Dungy Part One) View
455 Issue 455 - "Belief + Action = Integrity" (John Thompson) View
456 Issue 456 - "Curiosity: A Cornerstone of Commitment" (Bill Russell) View
457 Issue 457 - "We Ego or Me Ego" (Bill Russell Part 2) View
458 Issue 458: "Character + Intelligence + Persistence = Unstoppable" (John McClendon Part One) View
459 Issue 459 - "Change what you cannot accept." (John McClendon Part Two) View
460 Issue 460 - "A Role Model For Players, Students and Fans" (John McClendon Part Three) View
461 Issue 461 - "The Requirements For Successful Innovation" (John McClendon Part Four) View
462 Issue 462 - "Small Steps Forward From Every No = A Big Yes" (John McClendon Part Five) View
463 Issue 463 - "Lasting Change Requires Cooperation. Cooperation Requires Integrity." (John McClendon Part Six) View
464 Issue 464 - "Worry is a good deal harder than work." (John Wooden) View
465 Issue 465 - "Mastery Not Winning Is The Goal." (John McClendon Part Seven) View
466 Issue 466 - "Be direct but keep your dignity." (John McClendon Part Eight) View
467 Issue 467 - "Keep Knocking." (Nolan Richardson Part One) View
468 Issue 468 - "There are people who pave roads and others who walk on them." (Nolan Richardson Part Two) View
469 Issue 469 - "Our Actions Towards The Least Fortunate Define Our Integrity." (Nolan Richardson Part Three) View
470 Issue 470 - "Good Character Creates Good Instinct." (Nolan Richardson Part Four) View
471 Issue 471 - "Take the Best, Leave the Rest, Be Original." (Nolan Richardson Part Five) View
472 Issue 472 - "There is Much Wisdom in History." View
473 Issue 473 - "Can't Is Not A Word In My Vocabulary." (C. Vivian Stringer Part One) View
474 Issue 474 - "Great Teamwork Requires Humility." (C. Vivian Stringer Part Two) View
475 Issue 475 - "Some Things Are More Important Than Winning." (C. Vivian Stringer Part Three) View
476 Issue 476 - "The first test of somebody’s potential is how they handle adversity." (C. Vivian Stringer Part Four) View
477 Issue 477 - "Love and Accountably Are Great Teammates." (C. Vivian Stringer Part Five) View
478 Issue 478 - "Change Stubbornness to Determination." (C. Vivian Stringer Part Six) View
479 Issue 479 - "How To Bring Out The Best In Others." (C. Vivian Stringer Part Seven) View
480 Issue 480 - "A Great Teacher Tells You Why." (C. Vivian Stringer Part Eight) View
481 Issue 481 - The Five Levels of Listening (Part One) View
482 Issue 482 - Five Levels of Listening (Part Two) View
483 Issue 483 - "Choose Faith not Fear" (C. Vivian Stringer Part Nine) View
484 Issue 484 - 'A Beacon of Hope" (Dawn Staley Part One)) View
485 Issue 485 - "Trust Allows You To Teach" (Dawn Staley Part Two) View
486 Issue 486 - "Worry Free Performance" (Coach Wooden 10 for 10) View
487 Issue 487 - "Worry Free and Properly Focused Performance" (Coach Wooden 10 for 10) View
488 Issue 488 - "Statistics are a good resource but they don’t always measure performance" (Coach Wooden 10 for 10) View
489 Issue 489 - "Improve Your Capability" (Coach Wooden’s "APPP") View
490 Issue 490 - "Are other people as enthusiastic about you as you are about yourself?" View
491 Issue 491 - "Prioritize Your Planning Properly" View
492 Issue 492 - "Four Ways We Spend Our Time." View
493 Issue 493 - "Control Conflict Calmly." View
494 Issue 494 - "Start and Stop On Time." View
495 Issue 495 - "Suggestions for a Positive Team/Work Environment" View
496 Issue 496 - "Positive Expectations Help Create A Positive Culture." View
497 Issue 497 - "Listen Don’t Just Hear" (Bill Russell Part 3) View
498 Issue 498 - "Three Leadership Keys" (Bill Russell Part 4) View
499 Issue 499 - "The Greatest Gift" (Bill Russell Part 5) View
500 Issue 500 - "Observe and Innovate" (Bill Russell Part 6) View
501 Issue 501 - "Personal Integrity" (Bill Russell Part 7) View
502 Issue 502 - "Treat Triumph and Disaster the Same" (Bill Russell Part 8) View
503 Issue 503 - Great Leaders Hold Themselves Accountable (Tony Dungy Part Two) View
504 Issue 504 - Great Leaders are Approachable and Available (Tony Dungy Part Three) View
505 Issue 505 - Help Others; One Person at a Time (Tony Dungy Part Four) View
506 Issue 506 - Great Leaders Seek Diversity (Tony Dungy Part Five) View
507 Issue 507 - Lead Your Team Like They’re Volunteers (Tony Dungy Part Six) View
508 Issue 508 - Is Your Open Door Really Open? (Tony Dungy Part Seven) View
509 Issue 509 - Equip Your Team Mentally (Tony Dungy Part Eight) View
510 Issue 510 - Equip Your Team With Clear Instructions (Tony Dungy Part Nine) View
511 Issue 511 - "Correction does much, but encouragement does more." (Tony Dungy Part Ten) View
512 Issue 512 - "Empowerment (the right way)" (Tony Dungy Part Eleven) View
513 Issue 513 - "Great Leaders Build Leaders" (Tony Dungy Part Twelve) View
514 Issue 514 - Nan Wooden - Special Issue View
515 Issue 515 - "Create a Challenge" (Bill Russell Part Nine) View
516 Issue 516 - "Be Intense; Not Tense" View
517 Issue 517 - "Self-Control: The Motor of Success" View
518 Issue 518 - "Self-Alertness" View
519 Issue 519 - "Improvement Requires Alertness" View
520 Issue 520 - "Character, not circumstances, makes the person." Booker T. Washington (Part One) View
521 Issue 521 - "Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which one has overcome while trying to succeed." (Booker T. Washington Part Two) View
522 Issue 522 - "I've never broken my word." (Booker T. Washington Part Three) View
523 Issue 523 - Be Authentic. Think For Yourself. (Booker T. Washington Part Four) View
524 Issue 524 - Relentless Resolve Gets Remarkable Results. (Booker T. Washington Part Five) View
525 Issue 525 - No Drama, No Crisis, Just Action! (Booker T. Washington Part Six) View
526 Issue 526 - Focus On Your Destination, Not On Your Detractors (Booker T. Washington Part Seven) View
527 Issue 527 - I Am Everything But Discouraged (Booker T. Washington Part Eight) View
528 Issue 528 - Coach The Head, Heart And The Hands! (Booker T. Washington Part Nine) View
529 Issue 529 - Study Great People (Booker T. Washington Part Ten) View
530 Issue 530 - Are you eager or just willing? (Booker T. Washington Part Eleven) View
531 Issue 531 - Self-Development + Self Accountability = Self Reliance (Booker T. Washington Part Twelve) View
532 Issue 532 - Be Inspirational Not Divisive (Booker T. Washington Part Thirteen) View
533 Issue 533 - The Keys To Effective Diversity (Booker T. Washington Part Fourteen) View
534 Issue 534 - I appreciate a help-out, but I don’t want a hand-out. (Booker T. Washington Part Fifteen) View
535 Issue 535 - "We did it ourselves." (Booker T. Washington Part Sixteen) View
536 Issue 536 - "Most great people have achieved their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure." (Booker T. Washington Part Seventeen) View
537 Issue 537 - "The most important foundation you build is your own." (Booker T. Washington Part Eighteen) View
538 Issue 538 - "Two Sides of Life." (Booker T. Washington Part Nineteen) View
539 Issue 539 - "Building Trust." (Booker T. Washington Part Twenty) View
540 Issue 540 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "Don’t Just Wait For Instructions" (Booker T. Washington Part Twenty One) View
541 Issue 541 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "The Key To Happiness" (Booker T. Washington Part Twenty Two) View
542 Issue 542 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: “Proper Preparation for Adversity” (Booker T. Washington Part Twenty Three) View
543 Issue 543 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "People are impressed when you don’t try to impress them." (Booker T. Washington Part Twenty Four) View
544 Issue 544 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "Have Poise Don’t Pose" (Booker T. Washington Part Twenty Five) View
545 Issue 545 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "Make Your Best Better" (Booker T. Washington Part Twenty Six) View
546 Issue 546 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "What Will Pay?" (Booker T. Washington Part Twenty Seven) View
547 Issue 547 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "Overcome Discouragement. Don’t Let Discouragement Overcome You." (Booker T. Washington Part Twenty Eight) View
548 Issue 548 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "No Pretense" (Booker T. Washington Part Twenty Nine) View
549 Issue 549 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "Your level of consideration is a measure of your education." (Booker T. Washington Part Thirty) View
550 Issue 550 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "The Purpose of Education." (Booker T. Washington Part Thirty One) View
551 Issue 551 - "Remembering Coach Wooden" View
552 Issue 552 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "The Value of Time." (Booker T. Washington Part Thirty Two) View
553 Issue 553 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "Treat Everybody Great." (Booker T. Washington Part Thirty Three) View
554 Issue 554 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "Leaders Are Readers." (Booker T. Washington Part Thirty Four) View
555 Issue 555 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "Practice Is Everything." (Booker T. Washington Part Thirty Five) View
556 Issue 556 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "Control your temper. Don't let it control you." (Booker T. Washington Part Thirty-Six) View
557 Issue 557 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "Honesty in Everything" (Booker T. Washington Part Thirty-Seven) View
558 Issue 558 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "A Culture of Truth" (Booker T. Washington Part Thirty-Eight) View
559 Issue 559 - "Influence Quotient" (Del Harris Part One) View
560 Issue 560 - "Starting Points" (Del Harris Part Two) View
561 Issue 561 - "Accurate Self-Evaluation" (Del Harris Part Three) View
562 Issue 562 - "Blending Individual and Team Goals" (Del Harris Part Four) View
563 Issue 563 - "The Ultimate Teammate" (Del Harris Part Five) View
564 Issue 564 - "Two Gifts" (Del Harris Part Six) View
565 Issue 565 - Four "P’s" That Success Requires (Del Harris Part Seven) View
566 Issue 566 - Key Elements of Teamwork (Del Harris Part Eight) View
567 Issue 567 - The Power of Authentic Humility (Del Harris Part Nine) View
568 Issue 568 - "Positive Environment = Good Culture" (Del Harris Part Ten) View
569 Issue 569 - "Improvement Requires Details, Not Just Old Pep Talks" (Del Harris Part Eleven) View
570 Issue 570 - "Resolve Problems Quickly" (Del Harris Part Twelve) View
571 Issue 571 - "Sharing Authority" (Del Harris Part Thirteen) View
572 Issue 572 - "A Small Acknowledgement Can Have a Big Impact" (Del Harris Part Fourteen) View
573 Issue 573 - "Honest Feedback Creates Trust" (Del Harris Part Fifteen) View
574 Issue 574 - "Evaluate Your Team and Yourself" (Del Harris Part Sixteen) View
575 Issue 575 - "How Teammates Become Friends For Life" (Del Harris Part Seventeen) View
576 Issue 576 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "Service or Self" (Booker T. Washington Part Thirty-Nine) View
577 Issue 577 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "Listen to Learn" (Booker T. Washington Part Forty) View
578 Issue 578 - A Good Example is a Great Teacher View
579 Issue 579 - "Look at Me" is not a good look. View
580 Issue 580 - Respect Builds Teamwork View
581 Issue 581 - Great Teamwork Starts With Individual Excellence (Bill Walsh) View
582 Issue 582 - Three Steps That Lead to Great Teamwork (Bill Walsh) View
583 Issue 583 - Anything Is Possible (Harriet Tubman) View
584 Issue 584 - Stay Positive – Keep Moving Forward (Harriet Tubman) View
585 Issue 585 - Today’s Adversity Is Preparation for Tomorrow’s Adversity (Harriet Tubman) View
586 Issue 586 - Helping Others is A Great Personal Goal (Harriet Tubman) View
587 Issue 587 - You Don’t Have To Be Designated A Leader To Become One (Harriet Tubman) View
588 Issue 588 - "Tubman Toughness" (Harriet Tubman) View
589 Issue 589 - "The Irrationality of Worry" (Indira Gandhi) View
590 Issue 590 - "I must govern the clock, not be governed by it." (Golda Meir) View
591 Issue 591 - Initiative and Adaptability Are A Great Combination (Nancy Lieberman) View
592 Issue 592 - "The Most Noble Purpose of Knowledge is to Help Others" (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) View
593 Issue 593 - "If you judge a book by its cover, you never get to open the book." (Cleopatra) View
594 Issue 594 - "Turn Confrontation Into Cooperation" (Sojourner Truth) View
595 Issue 595 - "Always Determined Never Discouraged" (Sojourner Truth) View
596 Issue 596 - "If you have to tell people how hard you work, you’re probably not working hard." (Margaret Thatcher) View
597 Issue 597 - "Don’t let different ideas hurt your feelings." (Margaret Thatcher) View
598 Issue 598 - "Encourage initiative not dependency." (Margaret Thatcher) View
599 Issue 599 - "Look for the genius in others; don’t try to convince them of your own." (Liz Wiseman) View
600 Issue 600 - "There are educated fools and uneducated people who are wise." (Thomas Fuller) View
601 Issue 601 - "Good Values Attract Good People" (Liz Wiseman) View
602 Issue 602 - "Find The Best-Get Rid Of The Rest" (Liz Wiseman) View
603 Issue 603 - "How to Build a Great Team" (Liz Wiseman) View
604 Issue 604 - "Don’t Pass Along the Pressure" (Liz Wiseman) View
605 Issue 605 - "An Opinion Without Facts Is Just A Guess" (Liz Wiseman) View
606 Issue 606 - "Encourage Initiative and Expect Excellence" (Liz Wiseman) View
607 Issue 607 - "Challenge Don’t Dictate" (Liz Wiseman) View
608 Issue 608 - "Diligent Debate Delivers Discovery" (Liz Wiseman) View
609 Issue 609 - "Replace Fear With Initiative" (Liz Wiseman) View
610 Issue 610 - "Leaders Listen" (Liz Wiseman) View
611 Issue 611 - "Teach the Why and How" (Liz Wiseman and John Wooden) View
612 Issue 612 - "Accountability Requires Clear Communication" (Liz Wiseman and John Wooden) View
613 Issue 613 - "New Ideas Should Come From Everybody" (Liz Wiseman and John Wooden) View
614 Issue 614 - "Helicopter Parents Don’t Raise Pilots" (Liz Wiseman and John Wooden) View
615 Issue 615 - "Good Intentions-Bad Results" (Liz Wiseman and John Wooden) View
616 Issue 616 - "Pursue Perfection Without Tension" (Liz Wiseman and John Wooden) View
617 Issue 617 - "A Rapid Response Isn’t Always The Best One" (Liz Wiseman and John Wooden) View
618 Issue 618 - "A Leader Doesn’t Have To Be Loud" (Liz Wiseman and John Wooden) View
619 Issue 619 - "The Realistic Optimist" (Liz Wiseman and John Wooden) View
620 Issue 620 - "Participation Creates Power" (Liz Wiseman, Red Auerbach and John Wooden) View
621 Issue 621 - "Value The Time Of Others As Much As Your Own" View
622 Issue 622 - "Good Meetings and Bad Meetings" View
623 Issue 623 - "Peak Performance Requires Proper Planning." View
624 Issue 624 - "It’s Not Necessarily About You." (Liz Wiseman and John Wooden) View
625 Issue 625 - "The Best (and Worst) Way To Work With A Difficult Boss." (Liz Wiseman and John Wooden) View
626 Issue 626 - Proper Perspective (Liz Wiseman and John Wooden) View
627 Issue 627 - Two Sides Of Rejection (Jia Jiang and John Wooden) View
628 Issue 628 - The Difference Between An Opinion And A Fact (Jia Jiang and John Wooden) View
629 Issue 629 - Sometimes Rejection Is Just A Number (Jia Jiang and John Wooden) View
630 Issue 630 - Persistent and Consistent (J.K. Rowling) View
631 Issue 631 - When You Are Told No… Ask Why (Jia Jiang and John Wooden) View
632 Issue 632 - A Better Result Requires A Different Approach (Jia Jiang and John Wooden) View
633 Issue 633 - "Collaborate, Don’t Contend" – Jia Jiang (Jia Jiang and John Wooden) View
634 Issue 634 - Clarity Creates Credibility (Jia Jiang and John Wooden) View
635 Issue 635 - Talk Less, Teach More (Jia Jiang and John Wooden) View
636 Issue 636 - Excuses Keep You Out of the Present (Jia Jiang and John Wooden) View
637 Issue 637 - Criticize the behavior not the person. (Jia Jiang and John Wooden) View
638 Issue 638 - Find The Advantage In The Disadvantage View
639 Issue 639 - Make A Weakness A Strength (Jia Jiang and John Wooden) View
640 Issue 640 - Don't Quit – Try A Different Approach (Jia Jiang and John Wooden) View
641 Don’t Let The Disapproval Of Others Stop You From Pursuing A Noble Goal. (Jia Jiang and John Wooden) View
642 Issue 642 - "The worst thing you can do when action is needed is to take no action at all." (Jia Jiang and John Wooden) View
643 Issue 643 - "Work for your own approval, not the approval of others." (Jia Jiang and John Wooden) View
644 Issue 644 - "Focus On Effort Not Outcome." (Jia Jiang and John Wooden) View
645 Issue 645 - "Direct And Diplomatic Discipline" View
646 Issue 646 - "Reduce Anxiety And Improve Your Team Culture" (Daniel Coyle and John Wooden) View
647 Issue 647 - "You Don’t Have To Agree But You Do Have To Listen" (Daniel Coyle and John Wooden) View
648 Issue 648 - "A Great Leader Is Confident And Humble" (Daniel Coyle and John Wooden) View
649 Issue 649 - "Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less." (Patrick Lencioni and John Wooden) View
650 Issue 650 - "Worthwhile results come from hard work and careful planning." (Patrick Lencioni and John Wooden) View
651 Issue 651 - "Different people are motivated in different ways." (Patrick Lencioni and John Wooden) View
652 Issue 652 - "Speak your mind. Don’t whine." View
653 Issue 653 - "We Are All In This Together" (Daniel Coyle and John Wooden) View
654 Issue 654 - "Help Others (before they ask)" View
655 Issue 655 - "Keep The Team Moving Forward" (Gregg Popovich and John Wooden) View
656 Issue 656 - "Proper Perspective" (Gregg Popovich and John Wooden) View
657 Issue 657 - "Great Feedback" (Daniel Coyle and John Wooden) View
658 Issue 658 - "Overcoaching" (Bill Belichick and John Wooden) View
659 Issue 659 - "Culture Is Built On Details" (Bill Walsh and John Wooden) View
660 Issue 660 - "Great Leaders Ask Great Questions" (Daniel Coyle and John Wooden) View
661 Issue 661 - "Proper Preparation" (Daniel Coyle and John Wooden) View

Wooden's Wisdom Sample Issue

Woodens Wisdom
Wooden's Wisdom - Volume 1 Issue 2



Click here to watch Coach John Wooden video clip.


Previously we described how the core of Coach Wooden's philosophy started with his father's rules. Joshua Wooden gave his boys a very direct set of rules he hoped would guide their everyday behavior.


These were referred to as the “Two Sets of Three.” As discussed in our first coaching module, the first set of three dealt with integrity:


Never lie

Never cheat

Never steal


The second set of three dealt with how to handle adversity:


Don’t whine

Don’t complain

Don’t make excuses 

Watch Video


The finest teaching tool we have is the example we set for others, and how we handle adversity can be one of the strongest ways of demonstrating our character. For example, there was one particular event in Coach Wooden's early life when his father set an example that had a very significant impact on him. Joshua Wooden had purchased some pigs as an investment for the family farm, but their expense necessitated that he take out a mortgage. He also purchased vaccinations to keep them healthy, but it turned out that the vaccine was bad, and the entire herd died as a result. Later that same year, the crops were destroyed by a drought; unable to continue paying the mortgage, Joshua Wooden ultimately lost his farm to the bank.

Yet, without any ill words for the man who had sold him the bad vaccine, Joshua moved the family to a nearby town where he took a job as a masseur. Young John Wooden knew that these events had devastated his father’s spirit and broken his heart, but Joshua would never blame others or dwell on mistakes. He lived by the same set of rules that he bestowed upon his sons: "Don't whine, don't complain, don't make excuses. Just do the best you can. Nobody can do more than that." That story, and his father’s example, deeply impressed itself upon John Wooden’s mind.


Years later, he would find himself recalling his father’s attitude when the poor facilities at the UCLA basketball facility bothered him. For the first dozen years of his coaching career there, this attitude really held him back as a coach. When he resolved to stop complaining and to simply make the best of it, Coach Wooden noted that his success greatly improved.


Coach devised and collected a number of maxims regarding the best way to respond to difficult situations. They are great triggers that you can use with yourself, your staff, your team or your employees to rekindle a positive attitude when the going gets tough.


 “Bad times can make you bitter or better.”


“Never make excuses. Your friends won't need them and your foes won't believe them.”


“Things usually turn out the best for people who make the best out of the way things turn out.”


It is important to note that talking directly to a person about a situation you are not happy with is not whining or complaining, provided that person is in a position to effect a change and your approach is one of respect and genuine concern. We must always facilitate feedback from our coworkers and not have them feel like they are complaining when they disagree with us.


If a player is in the locker room fussing to his teammates about your zone offense – that would be whining and complaining. If that same player expresses the same concern to you directly and in a solution-oriented manner – that is the type of communication that should be encouraged. Coach Wooden’s maxim “Disagree without being disagreeable” is a good way to manage that communication. If you are a head coach, it is critical to facilitate new and different ideas from your assistant coaches. If you are an assistant coach, you should be mindful of the time and place you offer suggestions to the head coach.


However, if your complaints are such that no one is able to do anything to resolve them, then you must be the one to effect the change yourself. Coach Wooden said, “Complaining, whining, and making excuses just keep you out of the present. If your complaints are constant, serious, and genuine about your calling, then leave when practical.” By handling yourself in such a way through difficult situations, you will not only find your own outlook improving, but you will likely inspire those around you, too.


Click here for personal development exercise.



Click here for Printable Poetry Issue Two



Yours in coaching,


Craig Impelman


Twitter: @woodenswisdom

Application Exercise

Favorite Poems

A Little Fellow Follows Me
A careful man I want to be, 
A little fellow follows me;
 I do not dare to go astray,
For fear he'll go the self-same way. 
I cannot once escape his eyes, 
 Whate'er he sees me do, he tries; Like me he says he's going to be,
 The little chap who follows me.
He thinks that I am good and fine, Believes in every word of mine;
 The base in me he must not see,
The little chap who follows me. 
I must remember as I go,  
Through summer's sun and winter's 
I am building for the years to be
That little chap who follows me.
~Rev. Claude Wisdom White, Sr.


For more information visit

Wooden's Wisdom Issues Year 1

Issue 1 Issue 1 - Never Lie, Never Cheat, Never Steal
Issue 2 Issue 2 - Don't Whine, Don't Complain, Don't Make Excuses
Issue 3 Issue 3 - Be True to Yourself
Issue 4 Issue 4 - Help Others
Issue 5 Issue 5 - Make Each Day Your Masterpiece
Issue 6 Issue 6 - Drink Deeply From Good Books
Issue 7 Issue 7 - Make friendship a fine art.
Issue 8 Issue 8 - Give thanks for your blessings and pray for guidance each day
Issue 9 Issue 9 - Pyramid Lesson One: A New Definition of Success
Issue 10 Issue 10 - How Coach Delivered "Success Under Pressure"
Issue 11 Issue 11 - Yesterday's Loss Can Produce Tomorrow's Success
Issue 12 Issue 12 - The Pyramid of Success
Issue 13 issue 13 - Hard Work
Issue 14 Issue 14 - Careful Planning
Issue 15 Issue 15 - Enthusiasm
Issue 16 Issue 16 - Friendship
Issue 17 Issue 17 - Cooperation
Issue 18 Issue 18 - Loyalty
Issue 19 Issue 19 - Self-Control
Issue 20 Issue 20 - Alertness
Issue 21 Issue 21 - Initiative
Issue 22 Issue 22 - Intentness
Issue 23 Issue 23 - Condition
Issue 24 Issue 24 - Skill
Issue 25 Issue 25 - Team Spirit
Issue 26 Issue 26 - Poise
Issue 27 Issue 27 - Confidence
Issue 28 Issue 28 - Competitive Greatness
Issue 29 Issue 29 - Faith
Issue 30 Issue 30 - Patience
Issue 31 Issue 31 - Ambition
Issue 32 Issue 32 - Sincerity
Issue 33 Issue 33 - Adaptability
Issue 34 Issue 34 - Honesty
Issue 35 Issue 35 - Resourcefulness
Issue 36 Issue 36 - Reliability
Issue 37 Issue 37 - Fight
Issue 38 Issue 38 - Integrity
Issue 39 Issue 39 - The Coach as a Teacher - Part 1 (Teach by example - You haven't taught until they have learned.)
Issue 40 Issue 40 - The Coach as a Teacher - Part 2 (The coach - player (teacher - student) relationship)
Issue 41 Issue 41 - The Coach as a Teacher - Part 3 (When success turns your head, you face failure.)
Issue 42 Issue 42 - The Coach as a Teacher - Part 4 (How To Avoid Grievances)
Issue 43 Issue 43 - The Coach as a Teacher - Part 5 (Just Three Rules)
Issue 44 Issue 44 - The Coach as a Teacher - Part 6 (Rules vs. Suggestions: You cannot antagonize and influence at the same time.)
Issue 45 Issue 45 - The Coach as a Leader - Part 1 (Art of Leadership)
Issue 46 Issue 46 - The Coach as a Leader - Part 2 (Pyramid & Leadership)
Issue 47 Issue 47 - The Coach as a Leader - Part 3 (Consistency)
Issue 48 Issue 48 - The Coach as a Leader - Part 4 (Alertness + Self-Control = Leadership Listening)
Issue 49 Issue 49 - The Coach as a Leader - Part 5 (Creating Initiative)
Issue 50 issue 50 - The Coach As A Leader - Part 6 (Character Fuels Intentness)
Issue 51 Issue 51 - The Coach As A Leader - Part 7 (The Leader Has a Humble Spirit)
Issue 52 Issue 52 - The Coach as a Leader - Part 8 (Be A Mentor)


Wooden's Wisdom Issues Year 2

Issue 53 Issue 53 - Bad times can make you bitter or better.
Issue 54 Issue 54 - Never Make Excuses
Issue 55 Issue 55 - Unselfishness
Issue 56 Issue 56 - Don't Let Yesterday Take Up Too Much of Today
Issue 57 issue 57 - Attitude.
Issue 58 Issue 58 - What is Right is More Important Than Who is Right
Issue 59 Issue 59 - A Mistake is Valuable if you Recognize it, Admit it, Learn From it and Forget it
Issue 60 Issue 60 - If You Sacrifice Principle You End Up Pleasing No One
Issue 61 Issue 61 - Trust
Issue 62 Issue 62 - A Good Place to Find a Helping Hand is at the End of Your Arm
Issue 63 Issue 63 - It is Amazing How Much Can be Accomplished if No One is Concerned Who Gets the Credit
Issue 64 Issue 64 - The Best Way to Improve the Team is to Improve Yourself
Issue 65 Issue 65 - Do Not Get So Concerned With Making a Living that You Forget to Make a Life
Issue 66 Issue 66 - Never Try to be Better Than Someone Else; But Always be Learning From Others
Issue 67 Issue 67 - A Person Can Make Mistakes, But They Are Not a Failure Until They Blame Others
Issue 68 Issue 68- The People Who Don't Make Mistakes Are the People Who Don't Do Anything
Issue 69 Issue 69 - Listen If You Want To Be Heard.
Issue 70 Issue 70 - Be as Enthusiastic About the Success of Others as You Are About Your Own
Issue 71 Issue 71 - Loyalty, Like Respect, Must Be Given Before You Get It
Issue 72 Issue 72 - The Person Who is Afraid to Risk Failure Seldom Has to Face Success
Issue 73 Issue 73 - When Everyone Thinks Alike, No One Thinks
Issue 74 Issue 74 - The Coach as a Leader - Part 9 (The Leader has a sense of humor and a humble spirit and can laugh at her/himself.)
Issue 75 Issue 75 - The Leader Makes the World a Better Place by Helping Others
Issue 76 Issue 76 - Don't Mistake Activity for Achievement
Issue 77 Issue 77 - You Discipline Those Under Your Supervision to Correct, to Help, to Improve - Not to Punish
Issue 78 Issue 78 - You'll Never Know a Thing That You Didn't Learn From Someone Else
Issue 79 Issue 79 - The Most Important Word in Our Language is Love and the Second Most Important is Balance - Love
Issue 80 Issue 80 - The Most Important Word in Our Language is Love and the Second Most Important Word is Balance - Balance
Issue 81 Issue 81 - If You Are Afraid of Criticism You Will Die Doing Nothing
Issue 82 Issue 82 - Responding to Criticism and Praise
Issue 83 Issue 83 - The Time to Make Friends Is Before You Need Them
Issue 84 Issue 84 - Spend so Much Time Improving Yourself That You Won't Have Time to Criticize Others
Issue 85 Issue 85 - Wisdom, Like the Wind, Blows on Unused, Except for Those Who Know the Art of Sailing
Issue 86 Issue 86 - Hustle Makes up for Many a Mistake
Issue 87 Issue 87 - Make Sure the Team Members Know They're Working With You, Not For You
Issue 88 Issue 88 - The Only True Gift is a Portion of Thyself.
Issue 89 Issue 89 - Respect Every Opponent, But Fear None
Issue 90 Issue 90 - Talent Is God Given, Be Humble, Fame Is Man Given, Be Thankful, Conceit Is Self-Given, Be Careful
Issue 91 Issue 91- The Main Ingredient of Stardom is the Rest of the Team
Issue 92 Issue 92- That We Might Fail Ought Not Deter Us From the Support of a Cause We Believe to be Just
Issue 93 Issue 93- The Worst Thing About New Books is They Keep Us From Reading the Old Ones
Issue 94 Issue 94 - Treat All People With Dignity and Respect
Issue 95 Issue 95 - You Handle Things, You Work With People
Issue 96 Issue 96 - You Cannot be Judged by What Others Say About You, But You Can by What You Say About Others
Issue 97 Issue 97 - Be More Concerned With Your Character Than With Your Reputation, As Your Character is What You Really Are While Your Reputation is Merely What Others Think You Are
Issue 98 Issue 98 - Be Quick But Don't Hurry
Issue 99 Issue 99 - If You Always Tell the Truth, You Will Not Have to Remember What You Said
Issue 100 Issue 100 - Don't Permit Fear of Failure to Prevent Effort. We Are All Imperfect and Will Fail on Occasions, But Fear of Failure is the Greatest Failure of All
Issue 101 Issue 101 - The Leader has faith in people. He believes in them, trusts them, and thus draws out the best in them.)
Issue 102 Issue 102 - The Uphill Climb is Slow, But the Downhill Road is Fast
Issue 103 Issue 103 - Great Minds Discuss Ideas, Average Minds Discuss Events, Shallow Minds Discuss People
Issue 104 Issue 104 - The Worst Thing You Can Do for Those You Love is to Do the Things They Could and Should Do for Themselves


Wooden's Wisdom Issues Year 3

Issue 105 Issue 105 - Discipline Yourself and Others Won't Need To
Issue 106 Issue 106 - Failure to Prepare is Preparing to Fail
Issue 107 Issue 107 - It is What You Learn After You Know it All That Counts
Issue 108 Issue 108 - Be More Concerned With What You Can Do for Others Than What Others Can Do for You. You'll be Surprised at the Results
Issue 109 Issue 109 - Be Most Interested in Finding the Best Way, Not in Having Your Own Way
Issue 110 Issue 110 - If You Do Not Have the Time to do it Right, When Will You Have the Time to Do it Over?
Issue 111 Issue 111 - Things Turn Out Best for Those Who Make the Best of the Way Things Turn Out
Issue 112 Issue 112 - If I am Through Learning, I am Through
Issue 113 Issue 113 - Be Slow to Criticize and Quick to Commend
Issue 114 Issue 114 - Fairness is Giving All People the Treatment They Earn and Deserve. It Doesn't Mean Treating Everyone Alike
Issue 115 Issue 115 - Learn to Disagree Without Being Disagreeable
Issue 116 Issue 116 - Nothing Will Work Unless You Do
Issue 117 Issue 117 - The Ability to See the Good in Others and the Bad in Ourselves is Perfect Vision
Issue 118 Issue 118 - There is No Pillow as Soft as a Clear Conscience
Issue 119 Issue 119 - All Change May Not be Progress, But All Progress is the Result of Change
Issue 120 Issue 120 - Big Things Are Accomplished Only Through the Perfection of Minor Details
Issue 121 Issue 121 - Forget the Favors You Have Given - Remember Those Received
Issue 122 Issue 122 - Physical Strength is Measured by What One Can Carry - Spiritual Strength by What One Can Bear
Issue 123 Issue 123 - Revenge is the Weak Pleasure of a Little and Narrow Mind
Issue 124 Issue 124 - There is No Substitute for Hard Work and Careful Planning
Issue 125 Issue 125 - You Cannot Live a Perfect Day Without Doing Something for Someone Without a Thought of Repayment
Issue 126 Issue 126 - You Destroy an Enemy When You make a Friend of Him
Issue 127 Issue 127 - You Must Listen to Others if You Want Others to Listen to You
Issue 128 Issue 128 - Knowledge + Preparation + Attention to Detail = Skill
Issue 129 Issue 129 - Adversity is the State in Which Man Easily Becomes Acquainted With Himself, Being Especially Free of Admirers Then
Issue 130 Issue 130 - Try to Help Others Every Day and Don't Be Concerned About Who Helps You
Issue 131 Issue 131 - Don't Count the Days, Make the Day Count
Issue 132 Issue 132 - I Will Get Ready and Then, Perhaps, My Chance Will Come
Issue 133 Issue 133 - Young People Need Good Models More Than They Need Critics
Issue 134 Issue 134 - Pride is a Better Motivator Than Fear
Issue 135 Issue 135 - Success is Never Final, Failure is Never Fatal, It's Courage That Counts
Issue 136 Issue 136 - The Harder You Work the More Luck You Will Have
Issue 137 Issue 137 - The Man Who is Not Afraid of Failure Seldom Has to Face It
Issue 138 Issue 138 - The Smallest Good Deed is Better Than the Best Intention
Issue 139 Issue 139 - Valid Self-Analysis Means Improvement
Issue 140 Issue 140 - Discipline is Necessary for Good Leadership
Issue 141 Issue 141 - It is One of the Most Beautiful Compensations of This Life That No Man Can Sincerely Help Another Without Helping Himself
Issue 142 Issue 142 - Ability May Get You to the Top, But it Takes Character to Keep You There
Issue 143 Issue 143 - Be More Concerned With Loving Than Being Loved, Giving Than Receiving, Being a Friend Than Having a Friend
Issue 144 Issue 144 - Earn the Right to be Proud and Confident
Issue 145 Issue 145 - I Am Not What I Want to be, Not What I Ought to be, and Not What I am Going to be, But Thankful I am not What I Used to be
Issue 146 Issue 146 - If We Magnified Blessings As Much As We Magnify Disappointments, We Would All Be Much Happier
Issue 147 Issue 147 - It is the Little Details That Make Things Work
Issue 148 Issue 148 - The Happiest Moments in Life Come From Making Someone Else Happy
Issue 149 Issue 149 - Learn as if You Were Going to Live Forever, Live as if You Were to Die Tomorrow
Issue 150 Issue 150 - Character is Tested When a Person Receives Power
Issue 151 Issue 151 - People Are Usually as Happy as They Make up Their Mind to be
Issue 152 Issue 152 Nothing Can Give You Greater Joy Than Doing Something For Another
Issue 153 Issue 153 - Build a shelter against a rainy day.
Issue 154 Issue 154 - Satisfy Your Expectations, Not Those of Others
Issue 155 Issue 155 - Appreciate the Things You Have
Issue 156 Issue 156 - It Takes a Lot of Little Things to Make One Big Thing


Wooden's Wisdom Issues Year 4

Issue 157 Issue 157 - The True Athlete Should Have Character, Not Be a Character
Issue 158 Issue 158 - Those Who Have Never Suffered Adversity Never Experience the True Meaning of Success
Issue 159 Issue 159 - Time Spent Getting Even Would be Better Spent Trying to Get Ahead
Issue 160 Issue 160 - When Success Turns Your Head, You Face Failure
Issue 161 Issue 161 - You Cannot Antagonize and Influence at the Same Time
Issue 162 Issue 162 - You May be Deceived if you Trust Too Much, But You Will be in Torment if you Do Not Trust Enough
Issue 163 Issue 163 - Consider the Rights of Others Before Your Own Feelings, and the Feelings of Others Before Your Own Rights
Issue 164 Issue 164 - Goals Achieved With Little Effort Are Seldom Worthwhile or Lasting
Issue 165 Issue 165 - God Grant Me the Courage to Change the Things I Can Change, the Serenity to Accept the Things I Cannot Change, and the Wisdom to Know the Difference
Issue 166 Issue 166 - How Coach Wooden Achieved Serenity
Issue 167 Issue 167 - Real Wealth Comes to Those Who Learn That They Are Paid Best for the Things They do for Nothing
Issue 168 Issue 168 - The Future May be When You Wish You Had Done What You Are Not Doing Now
Issue 169 Issue 169 - Additional Areas of Regret
Issue 170 Issue 170 - Final List of Things We Wish We Had Done Better
Issue 171 Issue 171 - The Greatest Conquest of Man is the Conquering of Himself
Issue 172 Issue 172 - There Are no Hopeless Situations, There Are Only People Who Have Grown Hopeless About Them
Issue 173 Issue 173 - We Can Do More Good by Being Good Than Any Other Way
Issue 174 Issue 174 You Can Give Without Loving, But You Cannot Love Without Giving
Issue 175 Issue 175 - You Have Success Within, It is Up to You to Bring it Out
Issue 176 Issue 176 - You Meet the Same People on the Way UP as you Meet on the Way Down
Issue 177 Issue 177 - A Philosopher is a Person Who Meets All Events, Whether Favorable or Unfavorable, With Calmness and Composure
Issue 178 Issue 178 - Although it May Not be Possible to Determine What Happens to you, you Should Control How you React and Respond
Issue 179 Issue 179 - A Person Who Trusts People Will Make Fewer Mistakes Than a Person Who Distrusts
Issue 180 Issue 180 - A Good Memory is One That Can Remember the Day's Blessings and Forget the Day's Troubles
Issue 181 Issue 181 - Dwelling in the Past Prevents Doing Something in the Present
Issue 182 Issue 182 - A Person Who Has a Why to Live Can Bear Almost Any How
Issue 183 Issue 183 - If You Are Going Nowhere, You'll Get There
Issue 184 Issue 184 - It's Not What You Think You Are, But What You Think
Issue 185 Issue 185 - Kindness in Words Creates Confidence, Kindness in Thinking Creates Profoundness, Kindness in Giving Creates Love
Issue 186 Issue 186 - The Important Thing in Life is Not What Belongs to us, But What We Belong To
Issue 187 Issue 187 - The More Concerned We Become Over the Things We Can't Control, the Less we Will Do With the Things we Can Control
Issue 188 Issue 188 - A Great Deal of Talent May be Lost for the Want of a Little Courage
Issue 189 Issue 189 - Do Not Let What You Cannot Do Interfere with What You Can Do
Issue 190 Issue 190 - Hear no ill of a Friend, Nor Speak Any of an Enemy
Issue 191 Issue 191 - Honors are Very Fleeting, Just as Fame is - Cherish Friendship More
Issue 192 Issue 192 - If You Keep Too Busy Learning the Tricks of the Trade, You May Never Learn the Trade
Issue 193 Issue 193 - If You Lose Self-Control, Everything Will Fail
Issue 194 Issue 194 - Keep Courtesy and Consideration of Others Foremost in Your Mind, at Home and Away
Issue 195 Issue 195 - More Often Than we E'er Suspect, the Lives of Others We Do Affect
Issue 196 Issue 196 - Never Try for a Laugh at Another's Expense - Try to Laugh With Others and Never at Them
Issue 197 Issue 197 - No Human Life is Ever Really Finished as Long as There is Someone to Remember it
Issue 198 Issue 198 - The Person Who Usually Does What He Pleases is Seldom Pleased With What he Does
Issue 199 Issue 199 - There is a Wonderful, almost Mystical, Law of Nature That Says Three of the Things we Want Most - Happiness, Freedom and Peace of Mind - Are Always Attained When We Give Them to Others
Issue 200 Issue 200 - The Best Thing a Father Can Do for his Children is to Love Their Mother
Issue 201 Issue 201 - You Are Honored for Giving, Not for Receiving
Issue 202 Issue 202 - Content Makes Poor Men Rich, Discontent Makes Rich Men Poor
Issue 203 Issue 203 - Gratitude is a Duty Which Ought to be Paid, But Which None Have a Right to Expect
Issue 204 Issue 204 - He Who is Really Kind Can Never be Unhappy, He Who is Really Wise can Never be Confused, He Who is Really Brave is Never Afraid
Issue 205 Issue 205 - An Example of a Great Role Model for Young People
Issue 206 Issue 206 - Keep a Cheerful, Optimistic Disposition - Think Positively Rather Than Negatively - Sincere Optimism Builds Confidence and Courage
Issue 207 Issue 207 - Let us Overcome the Angry Man with Gentleness, the Evil Man with Goodness, the Miser with Generosity, the Liar with Truth
Issue 208 Issue 208 - A Setback is a Setup for a Comeback


Wooden's Wisdom Issues Year 5

Issue 209 Issue 209 - Being Critical While Being Productive
Issue 210 Issue 210 - The Rewards of Leadership
Issue 211 Issue 211 - Consistency Creates Excellence
Issue 212 Issue 212 - Do What's Right, Because it's the Right Thing to Do
Issue 213 Issue 213 - Proper Preparation requires Attention to Detail
Issue 214 Issue 214 - Arrive Early
Issue 215 Issue 215 - How Coach Wooden Handled His Coaching Mistakes
Issue 216 Issue 216 - Do Not Neglect the Less Gifted for the More Gifted
Issue 217 Issue 217 - Don't Let Winning Change You
Issue 218 Issue 218 - Establishing Roles and Making Sure Each Person Knows Theirs is Important
Issue 219 Issue 219 - Everyone is a Teacher to Someone
Issue 220 Issue 220 - Goal Setting
Issue 221 Issue 221 - Motivating the Team
Issue 222 Issue 222 - Recruiting the Wooden Way
Issue 223 Issue 223 - Show Great Patience and Do Not Expect Too Much Too Soon
Issue 224 Issue 224 - There is a Difference Between a Manager and a Leader - a Leader Inspires by Example
Issue 225 Issue 225 - The Accidental Mentor
Issue 226 Issue 226 - Disapproval Shouldn't Be Destructive
Issue 227 Issue 227 - The Next Level of Success
Issue 228 Issue 228 - Character and Values Create Team Culture
Issue 229 Issue 229 - How do you lead?
Issue 230 Issue 230 - Just Being Better Than the Rest Doesn't Make You a Success
Issue 231 Issue 231 - Tone of Voice Regarding Discipline
Issue 232 Issue 232 - Criticize in Private
Issue 233 Issue 233 - Disciplining the Team
Issue 234 Issue 234 - Don't Focus on the Opponent
Issue 235 Issue 235 - Keeping Things In Perspective
Issue 236 Issue 236 - Learn by Listening
Issue 237 Issue 237 - Learning From Observation and Study
Issue 238 Issue 238 - Pursuing Perfection
Issue 239 Issue 239 - Instilling Confidence
Issue 240 Issue 240 - The Leader can be Led
Issue 241 Issue 241 - You Must Be Present to Coach
Issue 242 Issue 242 - Earn the Respect of Everyone, Especially of Yourself
Issue 243 Issue 243 - Have One Team Where Everyone Counts
Issue 244 Issue 244 - The Best Competition Lies Within Self-Improvement
Issue 245 Issue 245 - I do it Because He or She Does it is Not a Good Reason
Issue 246 Issue 246 - Team Rules and Suggestions
Issue 247 Issue 247 - Is Your Ambition Properly Focused?
Issue 248 Issue 248 - How do You Choose Your Friends?
Issue 249 Issue 249 - Be Careful, Athletics Can Tear Character Down
Issue 250 Issue 250 - Don't Give the Team Too Much, But Teach Well
Issue 251 Issue 251 - Establishing Clear Expectations
Issue 252 Issue 252 - You Must Be a Team Player
Issue 253 Issue 253 - Desired Behaviors
Issue 254 Issue 254 - The Player Who Gives His Best is Sure of Success, While the Player Who Gives Less Than His Best is a Failure
Issue 255 Issue 255 - Game Competition
Issue 256 Issue 256 - Coach Wooden asks, I Wondered Why -
Issue 257 Issue 257 - Questions to Ask Yourself
Issue 258 Issue 258 - Decision Making - Lineup Changes
Issue 259 Issue 259 - Look in the Mirror First
Issue 260 Issue 260 - Mistakes occur when your thinking is tainted by excessive emotion


Wooden's Wisdom Issues Year 6

Issue 261 Issue 261 - Player Selection
Issue 262 Issue 262 - Send Them Home Happy
Issue 263 Issue 263 - Some Thoughts to Consider
Issue 264 Issue 264 - Ten Helpful Hints
Issue 265 Issue 265 - Does Profanity Improve Communication?
Issue 266 Issue 266 - What does moral condition have to do with physical condition?
Issue 267 Issue 267 - The Value of Quiet
Issue 268 Issue 268 - If you're a great teacher and don't have any knowledge, what are you going to teach?
Issue 269 Issue 269 - A leader who lacks enthusiasm will prevent those under his or her supervision from reaching their collective potential.
Issue 270 Issue 270 - Ability is a poor man's wealth
Issue 271 Issue 271 - Be a great mentor: Advice and opinions
Issue 272 Issue 272 - Be Clever Not Fancy
Issue 273 Issue 273 - A Good System is based on Principle not Process
Issue 274 Issue 274 - Culture Not Control
Issue 275 Issue 275 - It takes trust, faith and patience to acquire peace of mind
Issue 276 Issue 276 - Replace Criticism with Consideration
Issue 277 Issue 277 - Your Best Effort requires Intensity with Emotional Balance
Issue 278 Issue 278 - What's in your pocket?
Issue 279 Issue 279 - The Strength of Gentleness
Issue 280 Issue 280 - Attention to Detail without Micro Managing
Issue 281 Issue 281 - How To Handle A Loss
Issue 282 Issue 282 - Just being true to our self doesn't make us a person of integrity
Issue 283 Issue 283 - Prejudice may be being down on what we are not up on
Issue 284 Issue 284 - Keeping Friends
Issue 285 Issue 285 - The Joy of Being Needed
Issue 286 Issue 286 - Kindness is a language which the blind can see and the deaf can hear
Issue 287 Issue 287 - Moral Compass
Issue 288 Issue 288 - Noble Goals
Issue 289 Issue 289 - Others too, have brains
Issue 290 Issue 290 - Passion doesn't last as long as love.
Issue 291 Issue 291 - Who is Blind?
Issue 292 Issue 292 - Maximum Motivation
Issue 293 Issue 293 - Eagerness and Willingness
Issue 294 Issue 294 - Parenting and Leadership
Issue 295 Issue 295 - The right definition of Success can make you fearless
Issue 296 Issue 296 - The Wolf and The Pack
Issue 297 Issue 297 - Time lost is time lost. It's gone forever.
Issue 298 Issue 298 - What's the teams limit?
Issue 299 Issue 299 - John Wooden and Bill Gates
Issue 300 Issue 300 - Are you a loser if you quit?
Issue 301 Issue 301 - Building or Losing A Team
Issue 302 Issue 302 - Much of what we see depends on what we are seeking
Issue 303 Issue 303 - Patience and the Right Kind of Discipline
Issue 304 Issue 304 - How Not To Be Average
Issue 305 Issue 305 - First Impressions
Issue 306 Issue 306 - Are you more interested in being right or being effective?
Issue 307 Issue 307 - Build bridges don’t burn them
Issue 308 Issue 308 - Four Nevers
Issue 309 Issue 309 - Accuracy not Exaggeration
Issue 310 Issue 310 - Trust Is A Tricky Word
Issue 311 Issue 311 - Show Me
Issue 312 Issue 312 - There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us, there can hardly be room for any of us to talk about the rest of us


Wooden's Wisdom Issues Year 7

Issue 313 Issue 313 - Belief and Purpose
Issue 314 Issue 314 - Cooperation + Collaboration = Innovation (Red Auerbach)
Issue 315 Issue 315 - More Than Just Winning (Morgan Wootten)
Issue 316 Issue 316 - Clear Thinking (Phil Jackson)
Issue 317 Issue 317 - Accountability and Assertiveness (Pat Summitt)
Issue 318 Issue 318 - Keep Showing Up (Connie Mack)
Issue 319 Issue 319 - Initiative + Intentness = Innovation (George Halas)
Issue 320 Issue 320 - The Mentor's Mentor (Eddie Robinson)
Issue 321 Issue 321 - Dan Gable:15 National Championships in 21 Seasons: A Setback is a Set Up for Advancement
Issue 322 Issue 322 - Look Each Other In The Eye (Mike Krzyzewski)
Issue 323 Issue 323 - It's Never Too Late (Casey Stengel)
Issue 324 Issue 324 - Do it right - Every Time (Vince Lombardi)
Issue 325 Issue 325 - Dependability Is More Important Than Ability (Bill Belichick)
Issue 326 Issue 326 - Stand and Fight Again (Bill Walsh)
Issue 327 Issue 327 - Character, Kindness and Thoughtfulness - (Bud Wilkinson)
Issue 328 Issue 328 - Success Stopper: Complacency - (Pat Riley)
Issue 329 Issue 329 - Lasting Leadership That Works - (Tom Landry)
Issue 330 Issue 330 - Play Hard; Play Smart; Play Together - (Dean Smith)
Issue 331 Issue 331 - Everbody Needs A Coach - (Joe Gibbs)
Issue 332 Issue 332 - A Leader Doesn’t Have To Be Loud - (Chuck Noll)
Issue 333 Issue 333 - It Doesn’t Cost A Nickel To Be Nice - (Sparky Anderson)
Issue 334 Issue 334 - Take The Best And Leave The Rest - (Woody Hayes)
Issue 335 Issue 335 - Always Be Consistent And Always Innovate - (Gregg Popovich)
Issue 336 Issue 336 - Great Results Require Great Communication - (Tom Osborne Part One)
Issue 337 Issue 337 - Consistent Results Require Consistent Communication - (Tom Osborne Part Two)
Issue 338 Issue 338 - Communication Should Be Clear, Concise and Compelling - (Tom Osborne Part Three)
Issue 339 Issue 339 - Don't Quit - (Bear Bryant)
Issue 340 Issue 340 - Getting the Best Out of Everybody - (Walter Alston)
Issue 341 Issue 341 - Personalize and Coach; Don’t Clone - (Tony La Russa)
Issue 342 Issue 342 - Complainers to Co-Signers to Champions - (Tony La Russa - Part Two)
Issue 343 Issue 343 - Preparing For Pressure - (Tony La Russa – Part Three)
Issue 344 Issue 344 - Respect Trust Caring - (Tony La Russa – Part Four)
Issue 345 Issue 345 - Manageable Bits - (Tony La Russa – Part Five)
Issue 346 Issue 346 - Coaching Progress
Issue 347 Issue 347 - The Coach a Student of Psychology (Ward "Piggy" Lambert - (John Wooden’s College Coach) – Part One)
Issue 348 Issue 348 - Mental Conditioning - (Ward "Piggy" Lambert - Part Two)
Issue 349 Issue 349 - Team Building - (Ward "Piggy" Lambert – Part Three)
Issue 350 Issue 350 - Avoiding Staleness - (Ward "Piggy" Lambert – Part Four)
Issue 351 Issue 351 - Initiative and Teamwork (Ward "Piggy" Lambert - Part Five)
Issue 352 Issue 352 - Enthusiasm and Team Spirit (Ward "Piggy" Lambert - Part Six)
Issue 353 Issue 353 - Building a Foundation (Geno Auriemma Part One)
Issue 354 Issue 354 - Keep Showing Up (Geno Auriemma Part Two)
Issue 355 Issue 355 - Challenge Don't Promise (Geno Auriemma Part Three)
Issue 356 Issue 356 - Tell the Truth (Geno Auriemma Part Four)
Issue 357 Issue 357 - Proper Focus (Geno Auriemma Part Five)
Issue 358 Issue 358 - Working For A Tough Boss (Joe Torre Part One)
Issue 359 Issue 359 - Deference and Dialogue (Joe Torre Part Two)
Issue 360 Issue 360 - Great Self-Control / No Dirty Laundry (Joe Torre Part Three)
Issue 361 Issue 361 - One On One Time (Joe Torre Part Four)
Issue 362 Issue 362 - Control what you can control, let go of the rest. (Joe Torre Part Five)
Issue 363 Issue 363 - Each at-bat is a new day. (Joe Torre Part Six)
Issue 364 Issue 364 - Fairness, Respect and Trust (Joe Torre Part Seven)


Wooden's Wisdom Issues Year 8

Issue 365 Issue 365 - A river without banks is a large puddle. (Don Shula: Winningest Coach in NFL History)
Issue 366 Issue 366 - Overlearning = Autopilot = Peak Performance (Don Shula Part Two)
Issue 367 Issue 367 - Audible - Ready: Have you practiced your backup plan? (Don Shula Part Three)
Issue 368 Issue 368 - Constant Feedback Creates Constant Improvement (Don Shula Part Four)
Issue 369 Issue 369 - Direct and Honest (Don Shula Part Five)
Issue 370 Issue 370 - Expect Everyone to Lead (Jack Clark- 28 National Championships Cal Rugby)
Issue 371 Issue 371 - Defining Mental Toughness (Jack Clark Part Two)
Issue 372 Issue 372 - "Entitled to nothing, grateful for everything." (Jack Clark Part Three)
Issue 373 Issue 373 - "Judge Progress on Performance not Results" (Jack Clark Part Four)
Issue 374 Issue 374 - "Team First, Self Last" (Jack Clark Part Five)
Issue 375 Issue 375 - "Improve Accountability with Collaboration" (Jack Clark Part Six)
Issue 376 Issue 376 - "Game Plan" (Jack Clark Part Seven)
Issue 377 Issue 377 - "Three Keys to High Performance" (Jack Clark Part Eight)
Issue 378 Issue 378 - "Key Trait of A Great Coach" (Jack Clark Part Nine)
Issue 379 Issue 379 - Inspire Initiative not Dependency (Pete Newell)
Issue 380 Issue 380 - The Positive Approach (Pete Newell Part Two)
Issue 381 Issue 381 - How to show you care (Pete Newell Part Three)
Issue 382 Issue 382 - Key Habits of a Master Teacher (Pete Newell Part Four)
Issue 383 Issue 383 - Intensity Under Control (Pete Newell Part Five)
Issue 384 Issue 384 - Innovate and Adapt (Pete Newell Part Six)
Issue 385 Issue 385 - Less is More (Pete Newell Part Seven)
Issue 386 Issue 386 - Share Ideas don’t Keep Secrets (Pete Newell Part Eight)
Issue 387 Issue 387 - To be a Success: "Include Others" (Pete Newell Part Nine)
Issue 388 Issue 388 - "The Right People" (Pete Newell Part Ten)
Issue 389 Issue 389 - Responsibilities not Privileges Build Teams (Denny Crum)
Issue 390 Issue 390 - Consistent Game Plan for Adversity (Jay Wright)
Issue 391 Issue 391 - The Final Test of Teaching is Application (Jay Wright Part Two)
Issue 392 Issue 392 - Does Teaching Life Lessons Improve Job Performance? (Jay Wright Part Three)
Issue 393 Issue 393 - Humility and Assertiveness are Great Teammates (Jay Wright Part 4))
Issue 394 Issue 394 - The Right Statistics (Jay Wright Part 5)
Issue 395 Issue 395 - Clear Expectations (Jay Wright Part 6)
Issue 396 Issue 396 - Failure Isn't Forever (Jay Wright Part 7)
Issue 397 Issue 397 - Culture Is What You Do (Jay Wright Part 8)
Issue 398 Issue 398 - Tradition: A Building Block of Team Culture (Jay Wright Part 9)
Issue 399 Issue 399 - The Foundation (Roy Williams Part 1)
Issue 400 Issue 400 - The Inspiration (Roy Williams Part 2)
Issue 401 Issue 401 - The First Conversation (Roy Williams Part Three)
Issue 402 Issue 402 - Determination: Don't Let Your Means Keep You From Your Dreams (Roy Williams Part Four)
Issue 403 Issue 403 - Lasting Talent Requires Character (Roy Williams Part Five)
Issue 404 Issue 404 - Caring is the Core of Teamwork (Roy Williams Part Six)
Issue 405 Issue 405 - Nervous – Worry = Improved Performance (Roy Williams Part Seven)
Issue 406 Issue 406 - You can't teach everything you know to everybody. (Roy Williams Part Eight)
Issue 407 Issue 407 - Listen, don't just talk. (Roy Williams Part Nine)
Issue 408 Issue 408 - Don't Let the Scoreboard Control You. (Roy Williams Part Ten)
Issue 409 Issue 409 - Competition should Elevate not Deflate (Roy Williams Part 11)
Issue 410 Issue 410 - The Pause Button (Valorie Kondos Field Part 1)
Issue 411 Issue 411 - The Refresh Button (Valorie Kondos Field Part 2)
Issue 412 Issue 412 - "I get to…" (Valorie Kondos Field Part 3)
Issue 413 Issue 413 - "The Chemo Spa" (Valorie Kondos Field Part 4)
Issue 414 Issue 414 - "Act As If" (Valorie Kondos Field Part 5)
Issue 415 Issue 415 - "FOMO and FOPO" (Valorie Kondos Field Part 6)
Issue 416 Issue 416 - "The Desert" (Valorie Kondos Field Part 7)


Wooden's Wisdom Issues Year 9

Issue 417 Issue 417 - Expect Excellent Effort not Excellent Results (Valorie Kondos Field Part 8)
Issue 418 Issue 418 - The Best Version of You (Valorie Kondos Field Part 9)
Issue 419 Issue 419 - Coach the Person First (Valorie Kondos Field Part 10)
Issue 420 Issue 420 - Sweep the Shed (Graham Henry Part 1)
Issue 421 Issue 421 - Change Your Game at the Top of Your Game (Graham Henry Part 2)
Issue 422 Issue 422 -The All Black Basic: "Whanau" (Graham Henry Part 3)
Issue 423 Issue 423 - "Champions Do Extra" (Graham Henry Part 4)
Issue 424 Issue 424 - "Happiness From Within" (Joshua Wooden)
Issue 425 Issue 425 - "Championship Habits" (Suzanne Yoculan Part One)
Issue 426 Issue 426 - "Championship Recruiting" (Suzanne Yoculan Part Two)
Issue 427 Issue 427 - "Championship Losing" (Suzanne Yoculan Part Three)
Issue 428 Issue 428 - "Championship Team Building" (Suzanne Yoculan Part Four)
Issue 429 Issue 429 - "Championship Discipline" (Suzanne Yoculan Part Five)
Issue 430 Issue 430 - "Championship Goal Setting" (Suzanne Yoculan Part Six)
Issue 431 Issue 431 - "Championship Mentoring" (Suzanne Yoculan Part Seven)
Issue 432 Issue 432 - "Improving Decision Making" (Anson Dorrance Part One)
Issue 433 Issue 433 - "The Edge" (Anson Dorrance Part Two)
Issue 434 Issue 434 - "Building Real Self-Esteem" (Anson Dorrance Part Three)
Issue 435 Issue 435 - "Different People- Different Goals" (Anson Dorrance Part Four)
Issue 436 Issue 436 - "Fierce and Friendly" (Anson Dorrance Part Five)
Issue 437 Issue 437 - "Proper Perspective and Confidence" (Anson Dorrance Part Six)
Issue 438 Issue 438 - "Preparing Players to Coach" (Anson Dorrance Part Seven)
Issue 439 Issue 439 - "Real Coaching" (Anson Dorrance Part Eight)
Issue 440 Issue 440 - "Coach like a Parent to build Culture" (Anson Dorrance Part Nine)
Issue 441 Issue 441 - Motivation: "One Size Does Not Fit All" (Anson Dorrance Part Ten)
Issue 442 Issue 442 - "Leadership Styles" (Anson Dorrance Part Eleven)
Issue 443 Issue 443 - "Complete Communication" (Anson Dorrance Part Twelve)
Issue 444 Issue 444 - "Who's in your audience?" (Anson Dorrance Part Thirteen)
Issue 445 Issue 445 - "The Difference between Happiness and Fun" (Anson Dorrance Part Fourteen)
Issue 446 Issue 446 - "Culture Necessities" (Anson Dorrance Part Fifteen)
Issue 447 Issue 447 - "The Process" (Nick Saban Part One)
Issue 448 Issue 448 - "A Different Approach" (Nick Saban Part Two)
Issue 449 Issue 449 - "My Greatest Influence" (Nick Saban Part Three)
Issue 450 Issue 450 - "What To Change; What Not To Change" (Nick Saban Part Four)
Issue 451 Issue 451 - "The Right Example" (Nick Saban Part Five)
Issue 452 Issue 452 - "Competitive Character" (Nick Saban Part Six)
Issue 453 Issue 453 - "Invest your time, don't spend it." (Nick Saban Part Seven)
Issue 454 Issue 454 - "A Great Role Model" (Tony Dungy Part One)
Issue 455 Issue 455 - "Belief + Action = Integrity" (John Thompson)
Issue 456 Issue 456 - "Curiosity: A Cornerstone of Commitment" (Bill Russell)
Issue 457 Issue 457 - "We Ego or Me Ego" (Bill Russell Part 2)
Issue 458 Issue 458: "Character + Intelligence + Persistence = Unstoppable" (John McClendon Part One)
Issue 459 Issue 459 - "Change what you cannot accept." (John McClendon Part Two)
Issue 460 Issue 460 - "A Role Model For Players, Students and Fans" (John McClendon Part Three)
Issue 461 Issue 461 - "The Requirements For Successful Innovation" (John McClendon Part Four)
Issue 462 Issue 462 - "Small Steps Forward From Every No = A Big Yes" (John McClendon Part Five)
Issue 463 Issue 463 - "Lasting Change Requires Cooperation. Cooperation Requires Integrity." (John McClendon Part Six)
Issue 464 Issue 464 - "Worry is a good deal harder than work." (John Wooden)
Issue 465 Issue 465 - "Mastery Not Winning Is The Goal." (John McClendon Part Seven)
Issue 466 Issue 466 - "Be direct but keep your dignity." (John McClendon Part Eight)
Issue 467 Issue 467 - "Keep Knocking." (Nolan Richardson Part One)
Issue 468 Issue 468 - "There are people who pave roads and others who walk on them." (Nolan Richardson Part Two)


Wooden's Wisdom Issues Year 10

Issue 469 Issue 469 - "Our Actions Towards The Least Fortunate Define Our Integrity." (Nolan Richardson Part Three)
Issue 470 Issue 470 - "Good Character Creates Good Instinct." (Nolan Richardson Part Four)
Issue 471 Issue 471 - "Take the Best, Leave the Rest, Be Original." (Nolan Richardson Part Five)
Issue 472 Issue 472 - "There is Much Wisdom in History."
Issue 473 Issue 473 - "Can't Is Not A Word In My Vocabulary." (C. Vivian Stringer Part One)
Issue 474 Issue 474 - "Great Teamwork Requires Humility." (C. Vivian Stringer Part Two)
Issue 475 Issue 475 - "Some Things Are More Important Than Winning." (C. Vivian Stringer Part Three)
Issue 476 Issue 476 - "The first test of somebody’s potential is how they handle adversity." (C. Vivian Stringer Part Four)
Issue 477 Issue 477 - "Love and Accountably Are Great Teammates." (C. Vivian Stringer Part Five)
Issue 478 Issue 478 - "Change Stubbornness to Determination." (C. Vivian Stringer Part Six)
Issue 479 Issue 479 - "How To Bring Out The Best In Others." (C. Vivian Stringer Part Seven)
Issue 480 Issue 480 - "A Great Teacher Tells You Why." (C. Vivian Stringer Part Eight)
Issue 481 Issue 481 - The Five Levels of Listening (Part One)
Issue 482 Issue 482 - Five Levels of Listening (Part Two)
Issue 483 Issue 483 - "Choose Faith not Fear" (C. Vivian Stringer Part Nine)
Issue 484 Issue 484 - 'A Beacon of Hope" (Dawn Staley Part One))
Issue 485 Issue 485 - "Trust Allows You To Teach" (Dawn Staley Part Two)
Issue 486 Issue 486 - "Worry Free Performance" (Coach Wooden 10 for 10)
Issue 487 Issue 487 - "Worry Free and Properly Focused Performance" (Coach Wooden 10 for 10)
Issue 488 Issue 488 - "Statistics are a good resource but they don’t always measure performance" (Coach Wooden 10 for 10)
Issue 489 Issue 489 - "Improve Your Capability" (Coach Wooden’s "APPP")
Issue 490 Issue 490 - "Are other people as enthusiastic about you as you are about yourself?"
Issue 491 Issue 491 - "Prioritize Your Planning Properly"
Issue 492 Issue 492 - "Four Ways We Spend Our Time."
Issue 493 Issue 493 - "Control Conflict Calmly."
Issue 494 Issue 494 - "Start and Stop On Time."
Issue 495 Issue 495 - "Suggestions for a Positive Team/Work Environment"
Issue 496 Issue 496 - "Positive Expectations Help Create A Positive Culture."
Issue 497 Issue 497 - "Listen Don’t Just Hear" (Bill Russell Part 3)
Issue 498 Issue 498 - "Three Leadership Keys" (Bill Russell Part 4)
Issue 499 Issue 499 - "The Greatest Gift" (Bill Russell Part 5)
Issue 500 Issue 500 - "Observe and Innovate" (Bill Russell Part 6)
Issue 501 Issue 501 - "Personal Integrity" (Bill Russell Part 7)
Issue 502 Issue 502 - "Treat Triumph and Disaster the Same" (Bill Russell Part 8)
Issue 503 Issue 503 - Great Leaders Hold Themselves Accountable (Tony Dungy Part Two)
Issue 504 Issue 504 - Great Leaders are Approachable and Available (Tony Dungy Part Three)
Issue 505 Issue 505 - Help Others; One Person at a Time (Tony Dungy Part Four)
Issue 506 Issue 506 - Great Leaders Seek Diversity (Tony Dungy Part Five)
Issue 507 Issue 507 - Lead Your Team Like They’re Volunteers (Tony Dungy Part Six)
Issue 508 Issue 508 - Is Your Open Door Really Open? (Tony Dungy Part Seven)
Issue 509 Issue 509 - Equip Your Team Mentally (Tony Dungy Part Eight)
Issue 510 Issue 510 - Equip Your Team With Clear Instructions (Tony Dungy Part Nine)
Issue 511 Issue 511 - "Correction does much, but encouragement does more." (Tony Dungy Part Ten)
Issue 512 Issue 512 - "Empowerment (the right way)" (Tony Dungy Part Eleven)
Issue 513 Issue 513 - "Great Leaders Build Leaders" (Tony Dungy Part Twelve)
Issue 514 Issue 514 - Nan Wooden - Special Issue
Issue 515 Issue 515 - "Create a Challenge" (Bill Russell Part Nine)
Issue 516 Issue 516 - "Be Intense; Not Tense"
Issue 517 Issue 517 - "Self-Control: The Motor of Success"
Issue 518 Issue 518 - "Self-Alertness"
Issue 519 Issue 519 - "Improvement Requires Alertness"
Issue 520 Issue 520 - "Character, not circumstances, makes the person." Booker T. Washington (Part One)


Wooden's Wisdom Issues Year 11

Issue 521 Issue 521 - "Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which one has overcome while trying to succeed." (Booker T. Washington Part Two)
Issue 522 Issue 522 - "I've never broken my word." (Booker T. Washington Part Three)
Issue 523 Issue 523 - Be Authentic. Think For Yourself. (Booker T. Washington Part Four)
Issue 524 Issue 524 - Relentless Resolve Gets Remarkable Results. (Booker T. Washington Part Five)
Issue 525 Issue 525 - No Drama, No Crisis, Just Action! (Booker T. Washington Part Six)
Issue 526 Issue 526 - Focus On Your Destination, Not On Your Detractors (Booker T. Washington Part Seven)
Issue 527 Issue 527 - I Am Everything But Discouraged (Booker T. Washington Part Eight)
Issue 528 Issue 528 - Coach The Head, Heart And The Hands! (Booker T. Washington Part Nine)
Issue 529 Issue 529 - Study Great People (Booker T. Washington Part Ten)
Issue 530 Issue 530 - Are you eager or just willing? (Booker T. Washington Part Eleven)
Issue 531 Issue 531 - Self-Development + Self Accountability = Self Reliance (Booker T. Washington Part Twelve)
Issue 532 Issue 532 - Be Inspirational Not Divisive (Booker T. Washington Part Thirteen)
Issue 533 Issue 533 - The Keys To Effective Diversity (Booker T. Washington Part Fourteen)
Issue 534 Issue 534 - I appreciate a help-out, but I don’t want a hand-out. (Booker T. Washington Part Fifteen)
Issue 535 Issue 535 - "We did it ourselves." (Booker T. Washington Part Sixteen)
Issue 536 Issue 536 - "Most great people have achieved their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure." (Booker T. Washington Part Seventeen)
Issue 537 Issue 537 - "The most important foundation you build is your own." (Booker T. Washington Part Eighteen)
Issue 538 Issue 538 - "Two Sides of Life." (Booker T. Washington Part Nineteen)
Issue 539 Issue 539 - "Building Trust." (Booker T. Washington Part Twenty)
Issue 540 Issue 540 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "Don’t Just Wait For Instructions" (Booker T. Washington Part Twenty One)
Issue 541 Issue 541 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "The Key To Happiness" (Booker T. Washington Part Twenty Two)
Issue 542 Issue 542 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: “Proper Preparation for Adversity” (Booker T. Washington Part Twenty Three)
Issue 543 Issue 543 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "People are impressed when you don’t try to impress them." (Booker T. Washington Part Twenty Four)
Issue 544 Issue 544 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "Have Poise Don’t Pose" (Booker T. Washington Part Twenty Five)
Issue 545 Issue 545 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "Make Your Best Better" (Booker T. Washington Part Twenty Six)
Issue 546 Issue 546 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "What Will Pay?" (Booker T. Washington Part Twenty Seven)
Issue 547 Issue 547 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "Overcome Discouragement. Don’t Let Discouragement Overcome You." (Booker T. Washington Part Twenty Eight)
Issue 548 Issue 548 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "No Pretense" (Booker T. Washington Part Twenty Nine)
Issue 549 Issue 549 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "Your level of consideration is a measure of your education." (Booker T. Washington Part Thirty)
Issue 550 Issue 550 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "The Purpose of Education." (Booker T. Washington Part Thirty One)
Issue 551 Issue 551 - "Remembering Coach Wooden"
Issue 552 Issue 552 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "The Value of Time." (Booker T. Washington Part Thirty Two)
Issue 553 Issue 553 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "Treat Everybody Great." (Booker T. Washington Part Thirty Three)
Issue 554 Issue 554 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "Leaders Are Readers." (Booker T. Washington Part Thirty Four)
Issue 555 Issue 555 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "Practice Is Everything." (Booker T. Washington Part Thirty Five)
Issue 556 Issue 556 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "Control your temper. Don't let it control you." (Booker T. Washington Part Thirty-Six)
Issue 557 Issue 557 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "Honesty in Everything" (Booker T. Washington Part Thirty-Seven)
Issue 558 Issue 558 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "A Culture of Truth" (Booker T. Washington Part Thirty-Eight)
Issue 559 Issue 559 - "Influence Quotient" (Del Harris Part One)
Issue 560 Issue 560 - "Starting Points" (Del Harris Part Two)
Issue 561 Issue 561 - "Accurate Self-Evaluation" (Del Harris Part Three)
Issue 562 Issue 562 - "Blending Individual and Team Goals" (Del Harris Part Four)
Issue 563 Issue 563 - "The Ultimate Teammate" (Del Harris Part Five)
Issue 564 Issue 564 - "Two Gifts" (Del Harris Part Six)
Issue 565 Issue 565 - Four "P’s" That Success Requires (Del Harris Part Seven)
Issue 566 Issue 566 - Key Elements of Teamwork (Del Harris Part Eight)
Issue 567 Issue 567 - The Power of Authentic Humility (Del Harris Part Nine)
Issue 568 Issue 568 - "Positive Environment = Good Culture" (Del Harris Part Ten)
Issue 569 Issue 569 - "Improvement Requires Details, Not Just Old Pep Talks" (Del Harris Part Eleven)
Issue 570 Issue 570 - "Resolve Problems Quickly" (Del Harris Part Twelve)
Issue 571 Issue 571 - "Sharing Authority" (Del Harris Part Thirteen)
Issue 572 Issue 572 - "A Small Acknowledgement Can Have a Big Impact" (Del Harris Part Fourteen)


Wooden's Wisdom Issues Year 12

Issue 573 Issue 573 - "Honest Feedback Creates Trust" (Del Harris Part Fifteen)
Issue 574 Issue 574 - "Evaluate Your Team and Yourself" (Del Harris Part Sixteen)
Issue 575 Issue 575 - "How Teammates Become Friends For Life" (Del Harris Part Seventeen)
Issue 576 Issue 576 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "Service or Self" (Booker T. Washington Part Thirty-Nine)
Issue 577 Issue 577 - My Favorite Dynamic Duo: Booker T. Washington and John Wooden: "Listen to Learn" (Booker T. Washington Part Forty)
Issue 578 Issue 578 - A Good Example is a Great Teacher
Issue 579 Issue 579 - "Look at Me" is not a good look.
Issue 580 Issue 580 - Respect Builds Teamwork
Issue 581 Issue 581 - Great Teamwork Starts With Individual Excellence (Bill Walsh)
Issue 582 Issue 582 - Three Steps That Lead to Great Teamwork (Bill Walsh)
Issue 583 Issue 583 - Anything Is Possible (Harriet Tubman)
Issue 584 Issue 584 - Stay Positive – Keep Moving Forward (Harriet Tubman)
Issue 585 Issue 585 - Today’s Adversity Is Preparation for Tomorrow’s Adversity (Harriet Tubman)
Issue 586 Issue 586 - Helping Others is A Great Personal Goal (Harriet Tubman)
Issue 587 Issue 587 - You Don’t Have To Be Designated A Leader To Become One (Harriet Tubman)
Issue 588 Issue 588 - "Tubman Toughness" (Harriet Tubman)
Issue 589 Issue 589 - "The Irrationality of Worry" (Indira Gandhi)
Issue 590 Issue 590 - "I must govern the clock, not be governed by it." (Golda Meir)
Issue 591 Issue 591 - Initiative and Adaptability Are A Great Combination (Nancy Lieberman)
Issue 592 Issue 592 - "The Most Noble Purpose of Knowledge is to Help Others" (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar)
Issue 593 Issue 593 - "If you judge a book by its cover, you never get to open the book." (Cleopatra)
Issue 594 Issue 594 - "Turn Confrontation Into Cooperation" (Sojourner Truth)
Issue 595 Issue 595 - "Always Determined Never Discouraged" (Sojourner Truth)
Issue 596 Issue 596 - "If you have to tell people how hard you work, you’re probably not working hard." (Margaret Thatcher)
Issue 597 Issue 597 - "Don’t let different ideas hurt your feelings." (Margaret Thatcher)
Issue 598 Issue 598 - "Encourage initiative not dependency." (Margaret Thatcher)
Issue 599 Issue 599 - "Look for the genius in others; don’t try to convince them of your own." (Liz Wiseman)
Issue 600 Issue 600 - "There are educated fools and uneducated people who are wise." (Thomas Fuller)
Issue 601 Issue 601 - "Good Values Attract Good People" (Liz Wiseman)
Issue 602 Issue 602 - "Find The Best-Get Rid Of The Rest" (Liz Wiseman)
Issue 603 Issue 603 - "How to Build a Great Team" (Liz Wiseman)
Issue 604 Issue 604 - "Don’t Pass Along the Pressure" (Liz Wiseman)
Issue 605 Issue 605 - "An Opinion Without Facts Is Just A Guess" (Liz Wiseman)
Issue 606 Issue 606 - "Encourage Initiative and Expect Excellence" (Liz Wiseman)
Issue 607 Issue 607 - "Challenge Don’t Dictate" (Liz Wiseman)
Issue 608 Issue 608 - "Diligent Debate Delivers Discovery" (Liz Wiseman)
Issue 609 Issue 609 - "Replace Fear With Initiative" (Liz Wiseman)
Issue 610 Issue 610 - "Leaders Listen" (Liz Wiseman)
Issue 611 Issue 611 - "Teach the Why and How" (Liz Wiseman and John Wooden)
Issue 612 Issue 612 - "Accountability Requires Clear Communication" (Liz Wiseman and John Wooden)
Issue 613 Issue 613 - "New Ideas Should Come From Everybody" (Liz Wiseman and John Wooden)
Issue 614 Issue 614 - "Helicopter Parents Don’t Raise Pilots" (Liz Wiseman and John Wooden)
Issue 615 Issue 615 - "Good Intentions-Bad Results" (Liz Wiseman and John Wooden)
Issue 616 Issue 616 - "Pursue Perfection Without Tension" (Liz Wiseman and John Wooden)
Issue 617 Issue 617 - "A Rapid Response Isn’t Always The Best One" (Liz Wiseman and John Wooden)
Issue 618 Issue 618 - "A Leader Doesn’t Have To Be Loud" (Liz Wiseman and John Wooden)
Issue 619 Issue 619 - "The Realistic Optimist" (Liz Wiseman and John Wooden)
Issue 620 Issue 620 - "Participation Creates Power" (Liz Wiseman, Red Auerbach and John Wooden)
Issue 621 Issue 621 - "Value The Time Of Others As Much As Your Own"
Issue 622 Issue 622 - "Good Meetings and Bad Meetings"
Issue 623 Issue 623 - "Peak Performance Requires Proper Planning."
Issue 624 Issue 624 - "It’s Not Necessarily About You." (Liz Wiseman and John Wooden)


Wooden's Wisdom Issues Year 13

Issue 625 Issue 625 - "The Best (and Worst) Way To Work With A Difficult Boss." (Liz Wiseman and John Wooden)
Issue 626 Issue 626 - Proper Perspective (Liz Wiseman and John Wooden)
Issue 627 Issue 627 - Two Sides Of Rejection (Jia Jiang and John Wooden)
Issue 628 Issue 628 - The Difference Between An Opinion And A Fact (Jia Jiang and John Wooden)
Issue 629 Issue 629 - Sometimes Rejection Is Just A Number (Jia Jiang and John Wooden)
Issue 630 Issue 630 - Persistent and Consistent (J.K. Rowling)
Issue 631 Issue 631 - When You Are Told No… Ask Why (Jia Jiang and John Wooden)
Issue 632 Issue 632 - A Better Result Requires A Different Approach (Jia Jiang and John Wooden)
Issue 633 Issue 633 - "Collaborate, Don’t Contend" – Jia Jiang (Jia Jiang and John Wooden)
Issue 634 Issue 634 - Clarity Creates Credibility (Jia Jiang and John Wooden)
Issue 635 Issue 635 - Talk Less, Teach More (Jia Jiang and John Wooden)
Issue 636 Issue 636 - Excuses Keep You Out of the Present (Jia Jiang and John Wooden)
Issue 637 Issue 637 - Criticize the behavior not the person. (Jia Jiang and John Wooden)
Issue 638 Issue 638 - Find The Advantage In The Disadvantage
Issue 639 Issue 639 - Make A Weakness A Strength (Jia Jiang and John Wooden)
Issue 640 Issue 640 - Don't Quit – Try A Different Approach (Jia Jiang and John Wooden)
Issue 641 Don’t Let The Disapproval Of Others Stop You From Pursuing A Noble Goal. (Jia Jiang and John Wooden)
Issue 642 Issue 642 - "The worst thing you can do when action is needed is to take no action at all." (Jia Jiang and John Wooden)
Issue 643 Issue 643 - "Work for your own approval, not the approval of others." (Jia Jiang and John Wooden)
Issue 644 Issue 644 - "Focus On Effort Not Outcome." (Jia Jiang and John Wooden)
Issue 645 Issue 645 - "Direct And Diplomatic Discipline"
Issue 646 Issue 646 - "Reduce Anxiety And Improve Your Team Culture" (Daniel Coyle and John Wooden)
Issue 647 Issue 647 - "You Don’t Have To Agree But You Do Have To Listen" (Daniel Coyle and John Wooden)
Issue 648 Issue 648 - "A Great Leader Is Confident And Humble" (Daniel Coyle and John Wooden)
Issue 649 Issue 649 - "Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less." (Patrick Lencioni and John Wooden)
Issue 650 Issue 650 - "Worthwhile results come from hard work and careful planning." (Patrick Lencioni and John Wooden)
Issue 651 Issue 651 - "Different people are motivated in different ways." (Patrick Lencioni and John Wooden)
Issue 652 Issue 652 - "Speak your mind. Don’t whine."
Issue 653 Issue 653 - "We Are All In This Together" (Daniel Coyle and John Wooden)
Issue 654 Issue 654 - "Help Others (before they ask)"
Issue 655 Issue 655 - "Keep The Team Moving Forward" (Gregg Popovich and John Wooden)
Issue 656 Issue 656 - "Proper Perspective" (Gregg Popovich and John Wooden)
Issue 657 Issue 657 - "Great Feedback" (Daniel Coyle and John Wooden)
Issue 658 Issue 658 - "Overcoaching" (Bill Belichick and John Wooden)
Issue 659 Issue 659 - "Culture Is Built On Details" (Bill Walsh and John Wooden)
Issue 660 Issue 660 - "Great Leaders Ask Great Questions" (Daniel Coyle and John Wooden)
Issue 661 Issue 661 - "Proper Preparation" (Daniel Coyle and John Wooden)


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