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Issue 589 - "The Irrationality of Worry" (Indira Gandhi)

Woodens Wisdom
Wooden's Wisdom - Volume 12 Issue 589
Craig Impelman Speaking |  Championship Coaches |  Champion's Leadership Library Login



Indira Gandhi (1917 –1984) served as the third prime minister of India from 1966 to 1977 and from 1980 until her assassination in 1984. She was India's first, and to date only, female prime minister. Gandhi's cumulative tenure of 15 years and 350 days makes her the country's second-longest-serving prime minister.
Gandhi's most famous legacy was standing firm in the face of American pressure to defeat West Pakistan and turn East Pakistan into independent Bangladesh. India was located directly between West and East Pakistan.
In early 1971, disputed elections in Pakistan led then East Pakistan to declare independence as Bangladesh.
In response West Pakistan’s military government launched a crackdown on East Pakistan’s citizens. The West Pakistan army, about 40,000 troops in all, spread throughout the country, murdering, and raping civilians, burning homes, and imprisoning suspected dissidents.
Fleeing a blood monsoon, East Pakistani families poured over India’s border. Up to 150,000 came each day on foot, or by oxcart, rickshaw, or automobile. By May 1971, over 3.5 million Bengalis had abandoned their homes and flooded into refugee camps in India.
In December 1971, Gandhi intervened directly in the conflict to liberate Bangladesh. India emerged victorious following the war with Pakistan to become the dominant power of South Asia. This victory saved millions of lives and made it possible for millions of refugees from Bangladesh to return home.
Indira Gandhi was fearless and decisive. Her actions caused President Nixon to observe: "You look at the history of nations, and when you have had women in positions of power, women are really tougher than men."
Indira, better than most, understood the irrationality of worry. She explained it this way: "I don’t get uptight, as the Americans would say. In a situation of war, you must face the situation as it comes. You give it your all. You do your very best. That’s all you can do. You can’t do better than that, and then you shouldn’t be bothered about the rest.
If what seems right involves danger . . . well, one must risk the danger. I’ve never thought of the consequences of a necessary action. I examine the consequences later, when a new situation arises, and then I face the new situation. And that’s it."
What are you worried about?

Yours in Coaching,
Craig Impelman




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The Waiter at the Camp

The officers' friend is the waiter at camp.
In the night air 'twas cold and was bitterly damp,
And they asked me to dine, which I readily did,
For at dining I've talents I never keep hid.
Then a bright-eyed young fellow came in with the meat,
And straightway the troop of us started to eat.

I silently noticed that young fellow wait
At each officer's side 'til he'd filled up his plate;
I was startled a bit at the very first look
By the size of the helping each officer took,
And I thought as I sat there among them that night
Of the army's effect on a man's appetite.

The waiter at last brought the platter to me
And modestly proper I started to be.
A small piece of meat then I gracefully took;
The young fellow stood there and gave me a look.
'Better get all you want,' he remarked to me then,
'I pass this way once, but I don't come again.'

I turned in amazement. He nodded his head
In a way that convinced me he meant what he said.
I knew from his manner and smile on his lip
That the rule in the army is 'no second trip.'
And I thought as he left me my food to attack,
Life gives us one chance, but it never comes back.

Edgar Albert Guest (1881-1959)






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