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Issue 592 - "The Most Noble Purpose of Knowledge is to Help Others" (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar)

Woodens Wisdom
Wooden's Wisdom - Volume 12 Issue 592
Craig Impelman Speaking |  Championship Coaches |  Champion's Leadership Library Login



When Kareem Abdul-Jabbar sat in John Wooden’s office as a high school senior on his recruiting trip to UCLA, the primary topic was one both men agreed upon. The number one reason Kareem would attend UCLA was to get his education. Both men agreed that basketball was for a short time, but that the knowledge Kareem would acquire was something he would have his whole life.
Kareem has used his acquired knowledge: "To Help Others".
In 2021 the NBA created the Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Social Justice Champion Award to honor the next generation of athletes who lift their communities.
He is a New York Times best-selling author who has written 17 books. His books cover a range of topics from historical fiction to nonfiction. His work is inspirational and entertaining.
Kareem founded Camp Skyhook which provides underprivileged 4th and 5th graders with an experience that inspires them towards a future in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, math). Children embark on a 5-day, 4-night program in the Angeles National Forest where nature becomes the classroom, providing an experience that is transformational. About Camp Skyhook - Skyhook Foundation
Kareem has sold 5.8 million dollars in personal memorabilia and donated the bulk of the proceeds to benefit Camp Skyhook. Kareem said: "When it comes to choosing between storing a championship ring or trophy in a room or providing kids with an opportunity to change their lives, the choice is pretty simple: Sell it all. Looking back on what I have done with my life, instead of gazing at the sparkle of jewels or gold plating celebrating something I did a long time ago, I’d rather look into the delighted face of a child holding their first caterpillar and think about what I might be doing for their future. That’s a history that has no price."
What are you doing with your knowledge?

Yours in Coaching,
Craig Impelman




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Mine is a song of hope
For the days that lie before;
For the grander things
The morrow brings
When the struggle days are o'er.
Dark be the clouds to-day,
Bitter the winds that blow,
But falter nor fail,
Through the howling gale-
Comes peace in the afterglow.

Mine is the song of hope,
A song for the mother here,
Who lulls to rest
The babe at breast,
And hopes for a brighter year.
Hope is the song she sings,
Hope is the prayer she prays;
As she rocks her boy,
She dreams of the joy
He'll bring in the future days.

Mine is the song of hope,
A song for the father, too,
Whose right arm swings,
While his anvil sings
A song of the journey through.
Hope is the star that guides,
Hope is the father's sun;
Far ahead he sees,
Through the waving trees,
Sweet peace when his work is done.

Mine is the song of hope,
Of hope that sustains us all;
Be we young or old,
Be we weak or bold,
Do we falter or even fall,
Brightly the star of hope
From the distance is shining still;
And with courage new
We rise to do,
For hope is the God of Will.

Edgar Albert Guest (1881-1959)






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