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Issue 613 - "New Ideas Should Come From Everybody" (Liz Wiseman and John Wooden)

Woodens Wisdom
Wooden's Wisdom - Volume 12 Issue 613
Craig Impelman Speaking |  Championship Coaches |  Champion's Leadership Library Login



Liz Wiseman is a bestselling author, researcher, and elite leadership coach. In her New York Times bestseller, Multipliers: she researched over 150 leaders worldwide. Liz Wiseman and John Wooden would both tell you that "New Ideas Should Come From Everybody."
In her book Wiseman describes the type of leader who accidentally prevents new ideas coming from everybody on the team. She refers to this person as an "Idea Fountain":
"This type of leader is a creative, innovative thinker who loves an idea-rich environment. He is a veritable fountain of ideas. Ideas bubble up for him 24/7, so he bursts into the office brimming with new ideas to share with colleagues.
This leader doesn’t necessarily think his ideas are superior. He simply believes that the more he tosses around his ideas, the more he will spark ideas in others. But what actually happens around an Idea Fountain? The ideas he tosses out seem compelling, so his team begins to chase them.
But as soon as they begin to make progress on yesterday’s idea, the next day brings a new idea du jour. The team makes temporary progress on multiple fronts. The great chase becomes a standstill as they realize that they always end up back at square one—so why not just stay there?
As they learn to stop acting on the leader’s ideas, they also stop trying to come up with their own ideas. After all, if they actually need a new idea, they can just wait for the fountain to spew. It is easy to get idea lazy around people who are idea rich."
John Wooden was more interested in finding out what your ideas were than he was in just talking about his own. His Father had taught him: "You’ll never know a thing you don’t learn from someone else."
John Wooden was an "Idea Finder" not an "Idea Fountain".
Which are you?

Yours in Coaching,
Craig Impelman




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The June Couple

She is fair to see and sweet,
Dainty from her head to feet,
Modest, as her blushing shows,
Happy, as her smiles disclose,
And the young man at her side
Nervously attempts to hide
Underneath a visage grim
That the fuss is bothering him.

Pause a moment, happy pair!
This is not the station where
Romance ends, and wooing stops
And the charm from courtship drops;
This is but the outward gate
Where the souls of mortals mate,
But the border of the land
You must travel hand in hand.

You who come to marriage, bring
All your tenderness, and cling
Steadfastly to all the ways
That have marked your wooing days.
You are only starting out
On life's roadways, hedged about
Thick with roses and with tares,
Sweet delights and bitter cares.

Heretofore you've only played
At love's game, young man and maid;
Only known it at its best;
Now you'll have to face its test.
You must prove your love worth while,
Something time cannot defile,
Something neither care nor pain
Can destroy or mar or stain.

You are now about to show
Whether love is real or no;
Yonder down the lane of life
You will find, as man and wife,
Sorrows, disappointments, doubt,
Hope will almost flicker out;
But if rightly you are wed
Love will linger where you tread.

There are joys that you will share,
Joys to balance every care;
Arm in arm remain, and you
Will not fear the storms that brew,
If when you are sorest tried
You face your trials, side by side.
Now your wooing days are done,
And your loving years begun.

Edgar Albert Guest (1881-1959)






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