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Wooden's Wisdom - Volume 12 | Issue 614 |
Craig Impelman Speaking | Championship Coaches | Champion's Leadership Library Login | |
"HELICOPTER PARENTS DON’T RAISE PILOTS" (LIZ WISEMAN AND JOHN WOODEN) Liz Wiseman is a bestselling author, researcher, and elite leadership coach. In her New York Times bestseller, Multipliers: she researched over 150 leaders worldwide. Liz Wiseman and John Wooden would both tell you that: "The worst thing you can do for those you love is the things they could and should do for themselves."
In her book, Wiseman describes the type of leader who accidentally prevents growth by always jumping in to save the day. Parents who do this are called "Helicopter Parents" Wiseman calls leaders who act like this; "Rescuers". In her book she put it this way:
"At the first sign of distress, the rescuer jumps in and helps. Occasionally, he swoops in with a big, heroic rescue. More often than not, he simply lends a hand, resolves a problem, and helps people across the finish line.
Because the rescuer interrupts a natural performance cycle, he starves people of the vital learning that they need to become successful. When a manager helps too soon and too often, people around him become dependent and helpless.
There are times when employees appear to appreciate the help, but they haven’t grown or even fully utilized the intelligence they have. When the Rescuer intervenes, he can create a performance disconnect by depriving people of the feedback that comes from the natural consequences of mistakes.
While the manager sees failure and a gap they have to step in and close, employees often see success. You can hardly blame the employees for this delusion; after all, their work always crosses the finish line on time, because they are helped by the invisible hand of the Rescuer.
As leaders, sometimes we are most helpful when we don’t help."
As a coach, John Wooden would not call a timeout and "rescue" his team with his genius. He made the players play through their mistakes and learn. He developed leaders, not dependents.
What are you developing?
Yours in Coaching, Craig Impelman
The Bumps and Bruises Doctor I'm the bumps and bruises doctor; Edgar Albert Guest (1881-1959)
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