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Issue 625 - "The Best (and Worst) Way To Work With A Difficult Boss." (Liz Wiseman and John Wooden)

Woodens Wisdom
Wooden's Wisdom - Volume 13 Issue 625
Craig Impelman Speaking |  Championship Coaches |  Champion's Leadership Library Login


Liz Wiseman is a bestselling author, researcher, and elite leadership coach. In her New York Times bestseller, Multipliers: she researched over 150 leaders worldwide.
In her book, Wiseman describes how to be ineffective and effective when dealing with a difficult boss:
"My research showed that the five least effective strategies in dealing with a difficult boss are: 1) confront them, 2) avoid them, 3) comply and lie low, 4) convince them you are right, and 5) take HR action.
It is never wise to go head-to-head with a headstrong person, especially the boss. When facing an impasse, try regrouping and resetting your aspiration—instead of attempting to win, just stay in the game.
A former executive at Apple Inc. shared her strategy for pitching ideas to Steve Jobs. She knew there was little chance of prevailing once Steve became agitated or opinionated. Rather than argue her points, she listened, acknowledging his point of view. She then asked for time to think through his ideas and come back with a plan. While she regrouped, Steve became less entrenched.
When she returned a few days later with a plan that incorporated the best of both their ideas, she found a receptive audience, and the plan advanced."
Ben Franklin used to remark diplomatically, "On this point, I agree. But on the other, if you don’t mind, may I take exception?"
Coach Wooden had two great pieces of advice on this topic:
  1. "Learn to disagree without being disagreeable."
  2. "You cannot antagonize and influence at the same time."
Are you effective at working with a difficult boss?

Yours in Coaching,
Craig Impelman




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Mine is a song of hope
For the days that lie before;
For the grander things
The morrow brings
When the struggle days are o'er.
Dark be the clouds to-day,
Bitter the winds that blow,
But falter nor fail,
Through the howling gale-
Comes peace in the afterglow.

Mine is the song of hope,
A song for the mother here,
Who lulls to rest
The babe at breast,
And hopes for a brighter year.
Hope is the song she sings,
Hope is the prayer she prays;
As she rocks her boy,
She dreams of the joy
He'll bring in the future days.

Mine is the song of hope,
A song for the father, too,
Whose right arm swings,
While his anvil sings
A song of the journey through.
Hope is the star that guides,
Hope is the father's sun;
Far ahead he sees,
Through the waving trees,
Sweet peace when his work is done.

Mine is the song of hope,
Of hope that sustains us all;
Be we young or old,
Be we weak or bold,
Do we falter or even fall,
Brightly the star of hope
From the distance is shining still;
And with courage new
We rise to do,
For hope is the God of Will.

Edgar Albert Guest (1881-1959)






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