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Issue 639 - Make A Weakness A Strength (Jia Jiang and John Wooden)

Woodens Wisdom
Wooden's Wisdom - Volume 13 Issue 639
Craig Impelman Speaking |  Championship Coaches |  Champion's Leadership Library Login


To make a weakness a strength you must recognize it.
Lao Tzu, a Chinese philosopher (600 B.C.) wrote: "He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened." Coach Wooden wrote: "Valid self-analysis means improvement."
In "The Essential Wooden" Coach wrote that one of his three biggest weaknesses was: "I've had to work hard at being patient." Coach would fix this by starting with a look in the mirror.
Coach Wooden wrote: "A good teacher or coach must not only understand others, but himself or herself as well."
In his book: The Essential Wooden, with Steve Jamison, Coach Wooden put it this way:
"Be hardest on yourself - the model for what you want your team to become. Don't look for others to be your quality control expert. Be your own harshest critic."
By coaching himself, Coach Wooden turned his weakness (lack of patience) into one of his greatest strengths. His trademark as a teacher became, as he said, "Show great patience and do not expect too much too soon."
In his book, "Rejection Proof", ( ), Jia Jung talks about how, with "Valid self-analysis", we can turn receiving rejection from a weakness into a strength:
"Rejection is an experience that it is up to you to define. It means only what you choose it to mean. Rejection offers us an opportunity to grow, to challenge ourselves, and to overcome the fears and insecurities that block us from meeting our full potential. Any rejection can have hidden upsides, if only we are willing to look for them."
What weakness can you turn into a strength?

Yours in Coaching,
Craig Impelman




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Where Children Play

On every street there's a certain place
Where the children gather to romp and race;
There's a certain house where they meet in throngs
To play their games and to sing their songs,
And they trample the lawn with their busy feet
And they scatter their playthings about the street,
But though some folks order them off, I say,
Let the house be mine where the children play.

Armies gather about the door
And fill the air with their battle roar;
Cowboys swinging their lariat loops
Dash round the house with the wildest whoops,
And old folks have to look out when they
Are holding an Indian tribe at bay,
For danger may find them on flying feet,
Who pass by the house where the children meet.

There are lawns too lovely to bear the weight
Of a troop of boys when they roller skate;
There are porches fine that must never know
The stamping of footsteps that come and go,
But on every street there's a favorite place
Where the children gather to romp and race,
And I'm glad in my heart that it's mine to say
Ours is the house where the children play.

Edgar Albert Guest (1881-1959)






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