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Issue 640 - Don't Quit – Try A Different Approach (Jia Jiang and John Wooden)

Woodens Wisdom
Wooden's Wisdom - Volume 13 Issue 640
Craig Impelman Speaking |  Championship Coaches |  Champion's Leadership Library Login


When faced with rejection, view it as an opportunity for you to implement innovative approaches, not a source of discouragement. The first step is to eliminate the fear of failure. Coach Wooden had two key ideas on this topic:
"The people who don’t make mistakes are the people who don't do anything."
"All change may not be progress, but all progress is the result of change."
Coach described the importance of trying different approaches this way:
"Realizing that the road to their achievement could be difficult and certain adversity may force you to change the method of attack, you may have to go around, under, over, backup and look the situation over. Try a different method. But you must not quit."
In his book, "Rejection Proof", ( ), Jia Jung talks about responding to rejection with innovation:
"Blinded by their own expectations and emotions, rejectees often fail to take advantage of the feedback given by a rejector. The key is to withdraw yourself from the emotion as much as you can and approach your next request more like a bold, creative experiment.
For example, in a job search, if you applied one hundred times with the same résumé and were rejected for an interview each time, instead of seeing the rejections as a sign that you are not qualified for the job and should lower your expectations, you could improve your résumé, write a new cover letter, or use other channels such as networking to try again and see if there is any change in the percentage of callbacks."
How do you respond to rejection?

Yours in Coaching,
Craig Impelman




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Sometimes when they are tucked in bed the gentle mother comes to me
And talks about each curly head, and wonders what they're going to be.
She tells about the fun they've had while I was toiling far away,
Recalls the bright things that the lad and little girl have had to say.
Each morning is a pleasure new, and gladness overflows the cup,
And then she says: 'What will we do, what will we do when they're grown up?'

She looks about the room and sees the train of cars beneath the chair,
The soldiers resting at their ease, the wooly dog, the Teddy bear,
The china doll, the painted ball, the building blocks about the floor,
And then she smiles to see them all, and even wishes there were more;
The whole day passes in review, she stoops and strokes the wooly pup,
And says to me: 'What will we do, what will we do when they're grown up?'

I share with her that self-same dread, a house devoid of children's toys,
No little tots to put to bed, no romping little girls and boys;
No little lips to kiss at night, no broken skates or sleds to mend,
I fear to think that such delight the years will very quickly end.
Old Age, I dare not look at you, when we alone shall sit and sup,
I wonder, too, what will we do, what will we do when they're grown up?

Edgar Albert Guest (1881-1959)






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