Wooden's Wisdom - Volume 13 | Issue 682 |
Craig Impelman Speaking | Championship Coaches | Champion's Leadership Library Login | |
"CONSIDERATION CREATES ENTHUSIASM" One of the definitions of consideration is: thoughtfulness for other people. Coach Wooden was once asked: "When you look back on your life, how would you really like to be remembered?" He replied: "I would like to be remembered as a normal person that was considerate of others. That would be enough for me."
Consideration is reflected in everyday action, not just talk. When we pay attention to the details that are important to others (other people’s details), not just our own, we demonstrate consideration and create enthusiasm.
When we make the bed and put the six pillows right where they belong our wives appreciate it. When the employee cleans up the microwave oven in the lunchroom, co-workers appreciate it. When John Wooden’s players picked up and cleaned up their locker room themselves, the student managers and maintenance people appreciated it. When John Wooden never interrupted or talked over an assistant coach, it was appreciated. When every single good pass was acknowledged and teammates never criticized each other on John Wooden’s teams, it was appreciated.
Consideration means offering help and doing it before you are asked.
Here are two of Coach Wooden’s favorite thoughts on this topic:
"Be more concerned with what you can do for others than what others can do for you. You’ll be surprised at the results."
"It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely help another without helping himself." (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Coach would also remind us:
"Forget the favors you have given--remember those received."
Will you ask somebody: "What can I do to help you today?"
Yours in Coaching, Craig Impelman
Life and Hereafter Not over there do I await Edgar Albert Guest (1881-1959)
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