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Issue 687 - "Proactive Peace of Mind"

Woodens Wisdom
Wooden's Wisdom - Volume 13 Issue 687
Craig Impelman Speaking |  Championship Coaches |  Champion's Leadership Library Login


Coach Wooden developed his Pyramid of Success to consolidate his thinking to give himself and his students a roadmap (system) for life. His first task was to define success. When he began his work in 1934, Success was typically most often defined as: A person or thing that achieves prosperity or a favorable outcome.
Coach Wooden chose a different definition: "Success is peace of mind." Peace of mind refers to a state of mental and emotional calmness, with no anxiety, stress, or worry, regardless of external circumstances. It enables a person to feel personal fulfillment with their achievements, regardless of external recognition. You should base your life on self-reliance. Happiness and success can be short lived and fluctuate if they are based on the approval of others.
I am sometimes asked for academic validation of John Wooden’s approach. Achieving peace of mind has numerous benefits supported by neuroscience research. Here are some key findings with links to the research:
  1. Enhanced Emotional Regulation and Resilience Greater Good
  2. Structural Brain Changes Through Mindfulness Harvard Gazette
  3. Improved Cognitive Function and Attention Wharton Neuroscience Initiative
  4. Psychological Well-Being Springer
Coach Wooden taught that attaining peace of mind is a proactive process with three simple lessons:
"Be more concerned with your character than with your reputation as your character is what you really are while your reputation is merely what others think you are."
"Although it may not be possible to determine what happens to you, you should control how you react and respond."
"The more concerned we become over the things we can’t control, the less we will do with the things we can control."
Now that we have academic validation, I think schools should have a "John Wooden Peace of Mind Class."
Please email me if you agree and can help me make that happen.

Yours in Coaching,
Craig Impelman




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My Religion

My religion's lovin' God, who made us, one and all,
Who marks, no matter where it be, the humble sparrow's fall;
An' my religion's servin' Him the very best I can
By not despisin' anything He made, especially man!
It's lovin' sky an' earth an' sun an' birds an' flowers an' trees,
But lovin' human beings more than any one of these.

I ain't no hand at preachin' an' I can't expound the creeds;
I fancy every fellow's faith must satisfy his needs
Or he would hunt for something else. An' I can't tell the why
An' wherefore of the doctrines deep- and what's more I don't try.
I reckon when this life is done and we can know His plan,
God won't be hard on anyone who's tried to be a man.

My religion doesn't hinge on some one rite or word;
I hold that any honest prayer a mortal makes is heard;
To love a church is well enough, but some get cold with pride
An' quite forget their fellowmen for whom the Saviour died;
I fancy he best worships God, when all is said an' done,
Who tries to be, from day to day, a friend to everyone.

If God can mark the sparrow's fall, I don't believe He'll fail
To notice us an' how we act when doubts an' fears assail;
I think He'll hold what's in our hearts above what's in our creeds,
An' judge all our religion here by our recorded deeds;
An' since man is God's greatest work since life on earth began,
He'll get to Heaven, I believe, who helps his fellowman.

Edgar Albert Guest (1881-1959)






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